Last Chaos hacks

get your superiourity here ! be an offline or online GOD of the game. infinite ammo, unlimited nitro, turbo boost, god mode, you name it !
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Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

1. attack speed - 1byte
2. run speed - float
3. weapon range - float (4bytes)
4. attack animation - 4 bytes
5. heatlh bar - 4 bytes
6. monster/npc max hp
7. monster/npc current hp
8. walk speed - float

1. attack speed.
-mage unequipped - 20
-knife - 20
-fairy stuff - 16
-titan's blade (lvl 1) - 14
NOTE: DO NOT change to 0. it will stuck and cannot be changed back !!! (have to log out) on FLOAT it is possible to make it even faster than 1byte 1, but be will go to 0 if u enter invalid value on float.

2. run speed
-rogue - 6.5
-titan - 6
-mage - 6
others should be 6 too.
-with speed potion it should be 7
note: change to 8-9 (so u wont get accused in hacking) and change walk to 6.

3. weapon range
-fairy stuff - 15
-rogue's bow - 15
not sure about other values. offset is 94D4. (float)
there's another address that has same effect 94D7. (4 bytes ?)
note: 30-40 is kind a max...after that it start to make ghost shots.

4. attack animation (can be used for super fast skills, shows no animation and allows instant attack)
-unequipped - 0
-fairy stuff - 1
-rogue's bow - 1
all shooting weapons should be 1 and melee 0 (only tested on rogue bow and mage's fairy stuff)
change to 2 (or any other value than 0 or 1)

5. health bar
-16777216 = on (tested on wolves and foxes)
-0 = off (on friendly NPCs)

6. monster max hp
-offset 9218

7. monster current hp
-offset 921C

8. walk speed
-mage 1.5
-offset 94CC
-change walk to 6 and run to 9 (so u can change ingame without hotkeys, if u change walk to 9 then animation may fuck up lil bit)

not much, but enought to kick some ass.
I got idea about money/item hack. Ill just give out facts and ideas...not trying any of those i guess.
-I did found item box in the memory, didnt try to edit it. I only moved items around and refreshed memory (HEX in Tsearch) and things changed.
-Money is controlled by server probably, BUT what if you drop item and record those packets ? and then resend it while you dont even have that item anymore...its a long shot, but it MAY drop it again.
- same thing with the trade...maybe its possible to record it and then resend it. so other person will get that item twice. i dont think it works, but its worth trying. (because server will spawn items, there cant be more items than server have spawned).
-im pretty sure that fly hack can be done. you can either try to search height (climb on mountain, then go off of it ..etc) or maybe its possible to find it while on dragon.
-M wanted one shot ive been thinking... vectors would be one way. Rat kind a gave me idea...maybe daggers, dual swords..etc has 2 vectors?? havent tried..dont know.
-NPC level. there should be item that shows NPCs level, but you have to buy it for real cash (im not going to buy it !!!). point is ... its not shown in memory either. its on/off value...and no its not 1 and 0...even if it is you cant find it, because it never changes. its kind a like health bar...value is something bigger.

NOTE: if you take a look in memory ... then you will see that values goes over several addresses and its quite confusing. theres like 5-10 addresses that change range, attack speed etc..
If you find right value and/or address combination then maybe its possible to get infinite range for weapons and even faster attack speed. attack speed should be possible on float.

Like you all know me .. depressed :( im not taking it seriously...not even looking/trying half of things. If ill get mood and will for it .. i will seriously look into memory and figure out those addresses and how to get more range and faster attack speed...and one hit kills ofcourse.

NOTE!!! These hacks are for USA version !!! other version/s WILL disconnect you for speed running or speed attacking !!! not ban .. but server will simply disconnect you, because its not synchronized or something like that. DO NOT use other versions than USA ... they suck anyways. only 4 servers (14-16 in usa)
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

art money table .. only me and Rat plays it anyways..
those MAYBE important addresses.
they change with the character maybe theres morph, ammo .. or something like it. it WILL crash game if u freeze all and then logout and change i dunno .. dont have mood for that. theres like 300 addys or so..not much to go thru and test.
just make sure you change the beginning of addresses.
im sure theres something cool in those...just dunno what exactly. maybe V gets his foot out of his ass and gets the game too lol
..but until then its up to you Rat :) M has game too .. but he always have problems with forums .. besides he prolly wont come online for like month or so.

tip: open with notepad++ and replace ''00F5'' part of all addresses with your address beginning. not sure if its possible in artmoney to change all its better to do so in notepad++ and then open it.
.amt of good addys
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

tried packet editors...doesnt work at all. It seems that LC has ''live'' connection, there is something that gives packets IDs or something like that. so packets cannot be repeated.
in other words...its hard to do anything with packets. If you resend packet then game will disconnect you. I tried to make auto pickup.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

think i found some intresting stuff:
out of body (invisible to others and other way round)
no monsters
being able to see town chat while outside town (could be used to see other guild's chat and/ or party)
rate of hp regen (i was stanging and looked it, then sitted down and it didnt go any faster at all), i did try other way around but found nothing and blah blah ...just try for urself ffs.

i dont know exact addresses .. get the .amt and try for urself.
here's how i did it:
i chose mage and froze addresses in range of F59400 - F594FF
logged out
chose knight
and had those things, i will add video just to show that there are really NO monsters and town chat was still all there.

NOTE: i was also unable to chat. even messenger didnt work (only recieved)
so if you tweak those things lil bit .. you may get something like ''ghost'' .. so u can kill others, but they dont even see u..something like that. . or morph .. dunno. just get the fucking file and TEST!!!


got ideas for few pet speed, area damage (can be taken from this fire skill of mage), skill range.
pet speed - i tried in the range of 00009400 - 000094FF, Float 6-8 ..found 2, but didnt try because i tought that its like 6 when pet is out and 0 when pet is unequipped. Ill try it again.
area damage ... should be possible to add that to any skill, just need to find skill addresses. I think that skills have ONE main address, but value changes only for sec (during skill usage) otherwise its 0. so you need to use pointer search to find the SOURCE address for each skill.
skill range - value that doesnt change i think. every skill should have its source address it uses...also should be quite easy to find. If im correct then mage's weapons and skill range r same (15) ...and i also think its in the address range of 9400 - 94FF.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Memnoch »

Heres a little Tutorial for the basic stuff .

Open cheat engine / TSearch first and then load Last Chaos in windowed mode. Click on the top left button of Cheat Engine and select the process "NKSP.EXE"

Attack Speed:
The following will allow you to make your attack around 4x faster than normal.

In the game, make a new character, a titan.

Now in cheat engine set "Scan Type" to Exact Value, and "Value Type" to 4 bytes. Then, with your weapon equipped, type in 14 in the "Value" box (make sure hex isn't checked) and click "First Scan".

After it is done scanning, unequip your weapon in the game, then type in 20 in the "Value" box and click "Next Scan".

You should be left with only 2-3 addresses in the Found box at this point. If you need to narrow it down some more, repeat the process doing "next scan" a couple times, and soon you should only have 1 left.

Double click that value to add it to the bottom box where you can edit the value. Now once you have the value you can go and make the desired class and use it on any of them.

When you want to speed it up, check the "Frozen" box next to the value, then double click on the number in the "Value" column. Lower it to any speed that you like, 1 being the fastest that it will go. Keep in mind that if you are far away from the servers the attack packets will stack because of lag and this will DC you, but if you have a good connection with little to no lag from the servers you can attack anywhere from 4x-6x faster (that is 4 through 6 hits in the time of 1 normal hit). If you start getting DCs from it, just set the value a little higher (anything from 1-8 will be faster than any character can attack normally).

Quick Way for the Rest of the Hacks:
Note: If this doesn't seem to work , follow the instructions below to obtain each cheat seperately.
Also use the Hot Key settings to set for max run speed and normal run speed for when your around others.

In cheat engine, highlight the attack speed value, right click, and select copy. Now, right click on an empty portion below the attack value and click-paste (just click the paste button on the pop-up that comes up). Repeat this 5 times and you should have 6 "Attack Range" addresses.

Now, we will need to change the last 3 characters in the addresses for each new hack, so select any of them and double click on the address to change them. The addresses are as follows:

U.S. Version:
Attack Speed (xxxx68C8,4 Bytes): Base value is anywhere from 9-20, fastest speed is 1
Skill Speed (xxxx6920,4 Bytes): Base value is 0-1, change to 2 for quick skills.
Running Speed (xxxx68C0,Float): Base value is 6-7.5, 15 on mount. Suggest 12.5 on foot and 25 on mount for quick travelling.
Attack Range (xxxx68C4,Float): For Healers/Rogues using crossbows ONLY; Base value is around 15-20. Can go up to 30 without too many problems.
PvP Health Bar (xxxx65F5,4 Bytes): Values vary. Click on a monster and freeze it, and you should be able to see other player's life bar (cannot make a party while in this mode).
Monster Level (xxxx6620, 4 Bytes): Just tells you the targeted monster's level.
Targeted Player/Monster Max HP (xxxx6618, Float): Tells you the maximum HP from the targeted monster or player.
Targeted Player/Monster Current HP (xxxx661C, Float): Tells you the current HP from the targeted monster or player.

Malaysian Version:
Attack Speed (xxxx68D8,4 Bytes): Base value is anywhere from 9-20, fastest speed is 1
Skill Speed (xxxx6930,4 Bytes): Base value is 0-1, change to 2 for quick skills.
Running Speed (xxxx68D0,Float): Base value is 6-7.5, 15 on mount. Suggest 12.5 on foot and 25 on mount for quick travelling.
Attack Range (xxxx68D4,Float): For Healers/Rogues using crossbows ONLY; Base value is around 15-20. Can go up to 30 without too many problems.
PvP Health Bar (xxxx65F5,4 Bytes): Values vary. Click on a monster and freeze it, and you should be able to see other player's life bar (cannot make a party while in this mode).
Monster Level (xxxx6620, 4 Bytes): Just tells you the targeted monster's level.
Targeted Player/Monster Max HP (xxxx6618, Float): Tells you the maximum HP from the targeted monster or player.
Targeted Player/Monster Current HP (xxxx661C, Float): Tells you the current HP from the targeted monster or player.

If the above addresses do not do anything for you, then follow these instructions for the rest of the hacks:

Running Speed:
Since you will be killing so fast, it's a good idea to bump up your running speed so that it doesn't take you as long to run from monster to monster.
To do this, all you need to do is make a new Knight character and have a couple of haste potions.

In cheat engine, set the "Scan Type" to Exact Value and the "Value Type" to Float. Once you are in game, type 6 in the "Value" box (again, make sure Hex isn't checked) and click "First Scan".

After the search is over, use a Haste potion and while it is running type in 7 in the "Value" box and click "Next Scan".

After the haste wears off, type 6 in the "value" box and hit "Next Scan" again.

Now change the "Scan Type" to Unchanged Value and click "Next Scan" again. You should be left with only 1-2 addresses in the found box. It's not the green one so double click on the black one and it should add it to the bottom box for editing.

Once it is there, click the "Frozen" checkbox and double click the value of the address in the Value column. Now, characters normally run at a value of 6-8.5 and mounts alrways run at a value of 15. You will get stuttering if you set it too fast so for traditional running I suggest a value of 12.5 at the most, and on a mount a value of 25 at the most. Either way and you will be running like the wind Wink

Monster Levels:
This one isn't as cool as the other 2, but useful never the less. With any character go outside the north gate of juno and target a Fox. Set "Scan Type" to Exact Value and "Value Type" to 4 Bytes. Then, with the Fox still targeted but not being attacked (right click on them to do this) type 1 in the "Value" box and click "First Scan".

After it is done, find a Wolf (the smaller ones) and target it like you did the Fox. Then, type 2 in the "Value" box and click "Next Scan".

After it is finished, find an Elder Wolf, target it, type 3 in the "Value" box and click "Next Scan". After it is done you should only have one value left in the found box, so double click it and add it to the bottom box.

Now, this isn't one that you change, it just tells you what level monster you are fighting, which may make it easier than looking for a guide that has all the levels listed. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work with other players.

Attack Range (for ranged players like Mages, Healers, and Rogues using crossbows):
This hack can increase your attack range to 2x the normal distance. To do this, make a new rogue and enter the game and collect enough gold to buy a crossbow but hold on to your daggers.

First, set "Scan Type" to Exact Value and "Value Type" to Float. Then in game, equip your daggers on your rogue, type 2 in the "Value" box and click "First Scan".

After it has finished scanning, go back to the game and equip your crossbow. Go back to cheat engine and type 15 in the "Value" box and click "Next Scan".

Once finished, re-equip your daggers, type 2 in the "value" box and click "Next Scan" again. You should be left with 2-3 values in the Found box, and if you watch them there is probably only one that says the same. Double click it to add it to the bottom box for editing. If you still have too many results, repeat the process a couple times to narrow the results down some more.

As always, first click the "Frozen" checkbox and double click the value in the "Value" column. Now, with the crossbow equipped (remember this only works for ranged players), change the value to 30. Now you can attack monsters from far, far away. After you have the value you can switch to whatever character you would like to use it on. Remember, little things can block your fire so if you attack without doing damage, move a little closer and try again.

WARNING: Using either the Attack Speed hack or the Attack Range hack is VERY noticable on ranged players, so be careful if you are going to use it.

Skill Speed: Note: May change attack animations
This will make skills be cast instantly, and allow you to attack after casting much, much faster. To find this address, use your rogue again that we made for Attack Range.

First, with your crossbow equipped, search for the value of 1 (Exact Value, 4 Bytes).

After it is finished, equip your daggers and search for the value of 0 (Exact Value, 4 Bytes). Repeat this process until you find the address and add it to the bottom box by double-clicking it.

Now, freeze it and change the value to 2. Tada! Instant Skills!

Player Health Bar: For advanced users only, if you can't figure out how to use it then don't whine about it
This value likes to change around alot but the best way to get it is to go outside the north gates of Randol with any character. Target a fox (right click) and search for the value "16777216" (Exact Value, 4 Bytes).

Once that is finished, go back to town and right click on any NPC or other player. While they are targeted, go back to CE and search for any changed values (ala, Scan Type = Changed Value).

Repeat this process until you narrow down your list of suspects. There might be a few of them so just freeze and target other players to see which one works. While working, you can see the health of pretty much ANYTHING in the game that you can target (including player's pets hehe).

However, the player health one is glitchy (it's not that big of a deal but can be annoying when your PvPing and thier health disappears) and you can NOT form a party when the value is frozen at 16777216. If you want to make a party, turn it off and retarget the player.
*Note: I been tring to get this to work and could use some help if anyone can offer it .
Also tring to get a 1 key macro to work to feed pets while afk , so it would need to be able to be set on a timer , ( Like hit F7 for 3 sec every 5 min ) Something like that .

Auto Bot:

;Make sure game stays centered
Dim $Coord, $Click, $Target, $SearchResult

$Target = 0x5B9700
$Click = "Left"
WinActivate("LastChaos (Window 800x600)")
AdlibEnable("Rotate", 15000)

While 1 = 1
$SearchResult = PixelSearch(252,196,768,487,$Target,5,1) ; 5 = Variation | 2 = Step
If @error Then
MouseClick($Click, $SearchResult[0]+12, $SearchResult[1]+45, 7, 3)
Send("{F1}") ; This is the skill to be used on the enemy.
Send("{F3}") ; This is the gather hotkey.

Func Rotate()
MouseClickDrag("right", 464, 332, 564, 332)

Func Escape()
Exit 0

Note: Basically just looking for a Auto Hunt bot , something that will just stay in one spot (doesnt have to walk around ) and shoot anything that spawns in the area. We came up with something easy to do with pets to keep them allways picking up the gold and drops already ) Would be very usefull you be able to either adjust the lvl of the monsters it targets , or just set it up to atk anything in the area .
Legal Pet leveling Bot Formula:

Class: Knight
Level: 21
Equiped armer: +4 or higher ( no weapon)
Stat Points: all into Dexerty
Skills: Passive Canid Fencing and the lvl 20 regen skill
Target Foe: Treants work well
Pet Exp gain : around 900 - 1000 exp perhour of battle
Botting Time from lvl 1 to 31 in hours : still untested (can reach lvl 1 to lvl 15 over ngiht )

*Note, Bugg: I am currently haveing issues with feeding pet , after about 2 to 3 hours of AFK pet leveling the pet will starve , and there for no longer gain xp , Have to either come back every few hours and feed it , or set up a macro to feed the pet .

-Can also Use a lvl 13 Knight , if you lower his atk speed to like 30 or so , , I think any charector can be used as a pet bot , the main Key is that the monster doesnt out damage your regen rate and you dont do the same to it , useing atk speed hack to slow daown atk rate , you can adjust this as needed .

+++Programs to use , Tsearch or Cheat engine+++
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

don't think that i get hunt bot working, but i have solution for pet feeding.
btw that tutorial has old offsets, which doesnt work anymore !!!
ive seen that tutorial somewhere too ... its totally old and made by some noob who have no clue what he/she talks about. ITS NOT skill speed, its the damn attack ANIMATION. not may change animation, but IT IS the animation itself. retard prolly tested it on mage so he/she didnt even notice the difference that its animation, on rogue u can CLEARLY see that its animation. take out melee and change it to 1 and it looks like its shooting. take out bow and change to 0 and it seems like shes using melee. !!!
for 0-255 you use 1byte search !
for 256-65535 you use 2byte search !
for 65535-16777215 you use 3byte search !
for 16777216-4294967295 you use 4byte search !
its as easy as it gets ! in HEX 00 = 1byte, 00 00 = 2 bytes, 00 00 00 = 3bytes ..etc
FF = 255 YOU CANT store more than 255 on 1byte.
if the value you search is like 14, then it CANT go over 2 addresses. it is stored in 1byte (on one address) and YOU DO NOT need to search for 4 bytes. searching 4 bytes MAY only fuck up your results. it may include the next/previous address and not find the right address or not find it at all.
NOTE: Float is something else, it uses negative values and float type is used to store more info.
VERY IMPORTANT is that ArtMoney pro has the HEX view in FLOAT !!! it is VERY USEFUL to check float values.

Here's the solution for the pet feed. Just make a recording or make it manually.
it should be like this:

Code: Select all

F8 (down)
F8 (up)
its VERY easy to use, so you will figure it out in a second. it doesnt need to be installed or anything.
here's what you need
I was thinking to use my controller (it allows me to bind keyboard buttons on it) and its autofire to make pet pick up items, but i guess i can use macromaker too. really useful if pet pick up all items.

about that auto hunt bot. those scripts rarely work. what i suggest is ... extract models and make them into ''full bright'' models, THEN i have the solution. ..or actually if think about one other thing ... i had the colored aimbot. its possible to use it to aim names of the enemys...but problem is will aim on the name, not on the enemy. i used it in CSS, but i didnt got it working didnt shoot, just aimed. couldnt bother with it anyways. it was called ''unrealaim'' if im correct.

ArtMoney pro is VERY VERY important tool if you want to find good things in LC, like mentioned before it can show you HEX in FLOAT. so far i dont know any other memory editor that can do that !
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

guess who got banned :arrow: me...
like always. i kind a lost intrest in it ... so blah doh :fucku:
took me like 2 weeks to build up my char. we'll see what time will bring, but it kind a inspired me too .. now i wanna level up fast.. so i took a look into aimbot. got aiming working, but it aims on names .. so its kind a stupid, but hey ! its a start.
It was originally made for CSS and it has a lot of options in it. it should be possible to make it aim lower, but im not sure.
:arrow: worth checking anyways.
oh yea and .. if the color picker doesnt work well (if u wanna try to lock on monster's color, then take a screenie and use photoshop to get EXACT color)
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by twister329 »

Ok well apparently can't hack into the gold so I'm told, is their a game LIKE last chaos, lets say Shaiya or whatever that mmporg games called, is that gold hackable? just wondering since I'm considering quiting last chaos even when I got to lvl 70 .blah.

Oh and by the way, this guy on youtube managed to hack the cash in the item mall .oomga. watch this vid:

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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

looks like bullshit to me. a simple illusion, made with a memory tool by some idiot, thats why comments are turned off ;)
he don't really use that cash there, simply changes the visual values, which can easily be done with Tsearch.
You have to understand, there's LOT of retards out there, who simply want to look like some tought shits, so they do anything to look tought. they fake the videos and make ppl think they have some ultimate hacks or skills...

You can also make a private server and then make this hack there by changing that money directly in server.
I'm not saying its not possible, everything is possible, but what im saying is that this video is some fake shit.
You can't directly change your cash, but im sure there's some kind of exploit that allows this. Hard to explain this to a person who knows nothing about memory editors or how memory works :)
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by RaT »

well cant blame him for trying lol , yeah Shaiya,Perfect World,Rohan and such check the link and see if u find sumthing
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by twister329 »

hey I'm just throwing out some ideas :P
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

you can always take Tsearch (or any other memory editor) and a good packet editor (commview and WPE pro for example) and start exploiting it, who knows what you can find. if you run into any problems or need explaination, then you can always post the data here and i can take a look at it.
Luigi wrote a good tool (packet editor/sniffer) that can come in handy if you want to make some packet "hacks" (like using level 90 magic when you still level 1..etc)
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by twister329 »

Sethioz wrote:
Luigi wrote a good tool (packet editor/sniffer) that can come in handy if you want to make some packet "hacks" (like using level 90 magic when you still level 1..etc)
O? I'd like to learn about the tool Luigi created. Unless it's private or somethin.

By the way, if anyone comes across an sp hack of some sort if that's possible, I'd LOVE to know. I had to quit my lvl 70 wizard because of it's terrible sp and start all over :cry:
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

forgot to mention it. it's called proxocket:
All Luigi's tools are free. not sure if you know what WPE pro can do, but proxocket allows you to make all kinds of filters. it is not as easy as WPE Pro, you have to edit C code and then compile it as .dll, but its not that hard either. suppouse i can make the filters if you know what you want. for example if you want "02 03 04" replaced with "90 90 90" then its np. I just haven't got into MMO hacking again, but with proxocket there's lots of possibilitys.

ok now a stupid questions, whats sp there ? forgot most about mmos. lots of things in MMOs can be manipulated, like magic powers and such.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by twister329 »

Oh thanks for the site, I'll try it out. As for WPE Pro, I have one question because I tried gold hacking again ;sp but I got disconnected when I applied the gold amount. Any idea how to prevent this?

Sp is skill point, in order to get the skills you need there's a certain amount of sp needed. Like say a lvl 1 energy bolt for a mage is like 4 sp, then to get to lvl 2 it gets higher, and so on. I didn't have enough skill points for my wizard, so it was weak and I quit :cry: so if their is an sp hack, I'll be so freakin happy! .dh.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

ah yes ofcourse. just not used with MMO stuff..
i can't member, but i think M did some legal chaet to get sp. i know that he was leveling his bet with knight. he got some CRAZY bet levels in no team. like lvl 30 bet or so in just one day. he used lvl 22 or so knight i think, with some good setup. so he used that sasquatch and lured it into some remote place (where ppl dont go) and then changed his attack speed so low, that it didn't do any damage to sasquatch (well it did, but it regenerated faster than he did damage). so bet was leveling all the time (bets get levels by the fight time, not by the damage you do). so he left it on for whole night and got some crazy bet levels lol.

Also if you find somebody who can make colored models for last chaos, then it would come in handy. then its possible to use color aimbot to auto-attack monsters. so you can leave yourself into area of low level monsters and put aimbot on. so you can leave it there for whole night and get good experience.

about WPE Pro, its quite simple actually, there's really nothing hard. you simply capture the packet when you do magic for example. then take a GOOD look in that packet, i would copy it into .txt file and save. now if you did some level 1 magicfireball, then get level 2 magicfireball and capture that packet again, then compare those 2 packets. you should be able to see small difference in packet, then resend level 1 and see if you can do level 1 magic while level 2. if you find the value that changed in packet, you can start testing, by replacing it with different values and see if you can do higher level magic.
this is just a basic way how packet editor comes in handy, i also suggest using CommView to capture and analyze packets instead of WPE pro (wpe pro is only for editing and making filters).

for example, you can't change the money there (gold or whtever it was), but im sure you can exploit it.
here's small example: i had small problems in NFS undercover with money (it was 3 bytes and i had no idea that its 3 bytes. i used 2 and 4 bytes to search, because Tsearch dont support 3 bytes). so what i did first, i changed car's price to 0, bought it and sold it :) and in AvP2 you was able to manipulate with fall damage, so instead of losing health when falling, you gained a lot of hp. im quite sure there's similiar exploit for some MMO (not sure about Last Chaos).
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by twister329 »

Ok I tried what you said with WPE about using higher lvls of magic. I did it on my rogue but once again I got disconnected from the game when I tried to edit anything from the packets. Maybe you could give me a heads up on what to exactly edit on here, perhaps I must've done it wrong. ... eensht.jpg

I just took a screen shot of the varying packets. WPEPRO 8 I used the lvl 1 magic for my rogue, and WPEPRO 9 I used lvl 2.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

umm, well thats what im talking about, that most packets are not in readable format and you have to compare them.
1 step would be: replicating the level 1 magic. you also need same class character with exact same equipment, because gear may effect the packet. so i suggest you to make 2 exact same characters, only difference is that one of them has level 2 magic (anything you choose) and other has level 1 magic.
so first try to RESEND the packet you captured and see if resending the packet will do that magic. im not 100% sure if it would work, because magic needs target too, but try it anyways. if you can replicate magic by resending the packet, then its very easy, if not, then at least make SURE that this is the right packet. do magic and at same time keep eye on packet editor to see what it captures.

as i said, use commview, so you can filter out all other packets. simply go into game and then in commview start making rules that will leave out all packets you see. so when you click on magic, then you should get only that packet.

finally when you are 100% sure that you have captured level 1 magic and level 2 magic packets, then compare them and see where the difference is. next step would include either WPE Pro (IF it works) or proxocket to edit that permanently.
for example if level 1 magic looks like this:
"0C CC 01"
and level 2 magic would look like this:
"0C CC 02"
then filter would replace 0C CC 01 with 0C CC 02 (you need longer values, otherwise it would replace every 01 in packet. IF it would be that easy, then you can add like .. 0C CC 30 to get even higher magic, but i doubt its so easy. im sure its some random value. lvl1 is like 1F and lvl2 is like C4, or whatever.
once the filter is done, then when you do lvl1 magic you get lvl2 magic instead. at least it works in some other MMOs.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by twister329 »

Aha! Now this makes more sense, thanks! .mlove.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by hitman.two »

J/w What all Can I Do For My Knight And My Titan?
My titan resides at lvl 16 using the attack speed hack at 3
and my knight is lvl 1

What do ya think i can do for hacks?
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

You can use those hacks on all characters.
What do ya think i can do for hacks?
for hacks ? wtf do you mean for hacks ? you can't do anything for hacks lol..or what you mean by that ?
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by hitman.two »

meaning what kind of hacks are there and actually i just changed some things and figured it out but i cant figure out the speed skill hack for my titan or knight
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

you mean to get instant skills ?
thats actually skill animation. if you change it, then game glitches and allows you to do instant skills. look at my first post for all the hacks i know there.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by PinPoint »

ok, either im doing something completely wrong(which i dont think i am) or the hacks now do not work. just downloaded the us version of the game and nothing works.
the movement address is static and wont freeze or change for one.

can i get a second opinion on this plz?
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

cant bother reading thru this thread myself, but there was defiently some version shit involved, however hacks should still work.
i remember that i downloaded and wasnt even able to see some servers. US version should be right tho.

try other hacks, like attack speed or something. i dont think they have patched it. most mmos allow change in such things, you just need to find them.
use CE's speedhack to see if its server sided or not, however you might get disconnected. worth trying anyway.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by PinPoint »

yea its the us version ive got. i read this thread before i got it so i made sure i had the us version.

and yes ce speedhack works but you get disconnected after a while.

the attack speed was the 1st i tried, then i tried movement speed for which i got the address but it wouldnt stay changed. then i tried your am table and replaced 00F5 with my 0064 but still nothing.

ill keep trying though. but id like a second opinion from someone to see if they do actually no longer work, or if it is in fact a mistake by me.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

sry but i wont get the game to test.
i can suggest 2 things.
1. use ArtMoney and use "ALL" search type. also make sure that ArtMoney is setup properly, go thru each and every option to see that it searched whole memory, not just some parts.
2. values might not be same, actual value might be different. in that case, it would take way longer, cuz you can only do increased and decreased.

ok there is one awesome method. i cant bother reading the thread so i give random values as example.

lets say normal runspeed is 5. float and with potion its 7.5.
do some math and calculate how much % it is.
- how many % is 7.5 bigger than 5
- now search for unknown
- do increased by % (insert what the answer is)
- do decreased by %

im sure you got the idea. they might have patched it and changed the values. so one is 5, but actual value might be like 4023423, but actual speed doesnt change, so difference will still be same in %.

actually im sure that address can be found by using different characters, like rogue is faster than others. try that instead of potions. but i just gave you an good idea how to find it.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by PinPoint »

yea i all ready found the movement sped address and it wont change or freeze which ive said already.

ive tried art money already with ALL search but still nothing. and ive used t-search and cheat engine and AM to find unknown value of attack speed but i get nothing at all.

thats why i want someone else to try also so i know if it is ME or the GAME. but i really think it is the game. ive tried for about 6 hours in total (constant) to get the hacks to work but nothing.,
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

not me. M prolly knows, but he is nowhere to be found (again). you can try to pm him on myspace or facebook (cant member what he has). see my friends list or msg me in msn about this matter.
he was the one who got me into last chaos hacking in first place, i got some of those hacks from him too.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

im just talking to M, he confirmed that they changed the code, but he said that last time he checked, it still worked. he said that you just have to make it again each time. thats what he said :

Values change everytime you zone
Find a place to farm then set up hacks manually
I also asked about values and addresses, thats what he said.
Neither. It can be 6 now and when you change map the adress will change. Or value will change to 5.900
All i remeber was everything stoped working. I could find all the long way. Then it could randomly change again and crash game if you frooze or locked it
he is having some pc issues atm, but im sure he will be back someday. anyways im not getting back into LC. ive never liked MMOs.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by MagicalSilence »

well i tryed the LC finally and well finding addys was no problem at all but it rather caused more issues than good, as none of them were stable, freezed caused crash and constant hopping making it imppossible to freeze to certain value, tryed for about 2hours but could not rly find anything to get it working =/
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

i dont understand a damn thing you saying. M was telling me same stuff and i didnt understand shit.

what do you mean by hopping ? that address changes on its own ? even if you are standing still ?
can you use debugger on it ? if no, then what about olly with phant0m ?
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by MagicalSilence »

What i mean is that the Values do not stay still, yes you can find them by 14-20 for example but then they start hopping 12 15 20. between their limits like atk speed 14-20 even if u take weapon off. thats what i mean, and freezing them causes crash in most cases.

no i havent tryed debugging yet.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by Sethioz »

this makes no sense to me at all. how can you find value, if it keeps changing ?
lets say its 14, you search 14, then you do somehting in game to make it 20, you filter 20. you find it ?! HOW ? because if it changes from like 14 to 20 randomly, then filtering would give no results.
reminds me flash games, where value can be searched only once. its some dynamic system which i havent figured out. im not talking about DMA.

obviously it is not right address you found. as i suggested, maybe values are not same anymore.
everybody wants hacks, but noone is willing to test what i suggest, too bad, cuz im not getting this game back.
i gave lot of suggestions, like 1 being where you do % search, based on the old values.
cuz i dont think that effects have changed, for example if you run, then its same speed. like takes 5 mins to get from point A to point B.

MS if you feel like messing with it, keep this thread up to date, cuz it seems that noone else is willing to test.
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Re: Last Chaos hacks

Post by MagicalSilence »

I wount dedicate time to this more than 1-2 more hours if anyone wants to try something
here's a link with descent info and etc Last Chaos Stuff
might not be much use but who knows..
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