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Download counter, clock or retard counter ?! huh ?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:06 pm
by Sethioz
Well RaT found some maxthon web browser and said it looks interesting. i googled it and found the site:

my eye stopped on this download counter, that says over 170 million downloads. even MSN messenger doesn't have that much. I never even heard of maxthon before. so my first tought was: it HAS to be some bullshit. so it is...
I ran commview and put "firefox.exe" as filter. counter keeps going up, but no packets are sent/recieved LOL. It's a simple script, not a download counter LMFAO !!!
NOW, go to this page: -- yes its without www, see the counter ? no ? why ? beacuse its a SCRIPT and works only when you enter http://www.maxthon.. i used to have same glitch with my java based shoutbox.

Here is a video that proves, that no packets are sent/recieved while counter still goes up. so this is clear proof that it is script. What ppl do..just to look better LOL.
-video click HERE-
right click and "save target as..." to save the video (in case it starts to play in browser)

Re: Download counter, clock or retard counter ?! huh ?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:33 pm
by RaT
lol funny isint it :P