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WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:47 pm
by Sethioz
this is really sadly retarded person, i almost feel sry for this person .. LOL not really :twisted:
Ok here's the story. i made few hacks in FarCry2. infinite ammo and infinite diamonds (money) and posted the demonstration video into youtube. here's the video:

look at the comment from "bullets4hire".

1. I have said in DESCRIPTION:

Code: Select all

Visit my site to see the guide. i will post it shortly after uploading this.
2. At end of video, there is a NOTE ON THE VIDEO saying "Tutorial @"

and this idiotically retarded person says im using some map editor ?? like WHAT DA FUCK ?!?! Some ppl can't be that dumb even if they try as hard as they can rofl. I simply DO NOT understand, where the hell those kind of RETARDED IDIOTS come from ??????????????????? Here's screenshot too:


Re: WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:19 pm
by bloodyking
well first of call i would like to say to bull LMAO :lol: :lol: , okay second ,the dude CLEARly dont know who you are( the best hacker/exploit EVER), and last i can clearly tell the dude dont know what the hell his talking about.

Re: WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:02 pm
by Sethioz
..ppl could at least check my channel before whining or saying retarded things doh. When i see something fishy on youtube (or some other forum), then before posting a dumb shit, I take a look at this person's profile (channel..depends where it is) to see if this person is real or just some joker.

Some ppl are just IGNORANTS. Even if you rub it into their face, showing them PROOF, then they still IGNORE it, turn their head away and do BLABLABLABLABLA and simply DO NOT even look what you showing. they just do whatever blabla and still live in their small box. They think that if they ignore the thing they dont like, then it goes away and doesn't exist, well they are WRONG. It's like some ppl say there are no UFOs...whoever says that has EGO bigger than a universe lol. i mean cmon ... you have to be quite dumb to think that humans are only species in whole universe with such intelligent (human and intelligent, yeah right lol, 99% of them are more like monkeys). Humans have potential, but they rarely use it, because of this IGNORANCE. I sent him a PM too on youtube, linked to my other hack tutorials. im sure that he will do pffffffffffff and ignore it and call me noob and idiot..etc.

Re: WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:10 pm
by RaT
well my ego is bigger than universe when i drive bmw :)) then again u can never expect much from a human being if i would tell my doctor that i hear voices in my head he would say mmmm k...... it would be white shirt and locked in white room and putted under strong meds thats how it works heh human is supream lifeform to them as ''god'' and in a way its true evolution havent changed much actually if u think about it... in life there is allways been law of nature since dinos... like Velo and Trex for example strong but dumb... velo again smart but weaker even now theres Really retarded bodybuilders and ppl like seth quite confusing huh? and ofc ppl who need 2 airplane ticket 1 for their ego :))

Re: WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:23 pm
by Sethioz
human race has potential, but barely no will to use it.
who is GOD ? what is GOD ? .. i'd say that GOD is just a normal person. This legend started when those old age ppl found a real intelligent human and since they didn't understand that person .. they said its GOD. that simple.
It's still same these days. only difference is that those dumb monkey-like humans are lil bit smarter (the ones you see on streets these days can be compared to those ancient humans) and really intelligent humans are even more smarter. It's just that ppl don't call really smart ppl to GOD. In bigger picture, nothing have changed.

This here is a GOOD example. This monkey-like retard sees something wierd, he denys it, he don't belive it, all because he don't understand it. In ancient times this person would have said "...wooow its GOD".

and there's nobody else like me :twisted:

Re: WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:42 pm
by Skizoteq
Now this really is WTF lmao IF you could do all that whit a map editor then why the fuck did ppl even ask for a trainer :iiN: lmao come on you can see everything FROM the video and i have to say WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MAP EDITOR ???? Teach ppl like theyr a child ;sp

Re: WTF is this guy total RETARD and blind ?!?!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:54 am
by Sethioz
to some ppl it may sound noobish, but i've always is this map editor they talk about ?! :?:
yes i do understand what is the meaning of 'map editor', but what i mean ... when i installed FarCry 2 i never saw any 'map editor' there. i really don't care, but as far as i editor exist only on xbox360 version.

also those retarded noobs who saying that its map editor..obviously have NOT played the game yet. because this place where i made this video. its just outside the first town, near this bridge that leads out of there. there's this datsun parked near bridge and bus stop when going into town. those idiots obviously have never played the game, so this is why they don't reconize it.

other thing...i just DO NOT understand how its even possible not to see the text on my video ?! it CLEARLY saying "TUTORIAL @ ...". either they really are totally RETARDED or they just IGNORANTS and ignore everything they don't it means they never even check if there is a real tutorial or not.