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I am not going to reply to you now = you lost

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:14 pm
by KEN
So, whenever in middle of an argument, do not try and say that you're not going to reply after this or that. It only means that you're just too big of a dickhead to think of what to say next and you accept you're defeated so you choose to end the argument.
and also your spelling are important :P
You're a big idiot if you can't even spell things which kids can.
Also be sure to actually "know" shit before you say "shit". If you start saying things on just your speculation, then you'll be proven a idiot. For example saying to someone that "this country" has idiots and later you find out that the person you're saying it to isn't even from "this country".

Why it is important?
A dick said to me I live East of his country thinking I am from Thailand or Korea but it turned out i am in the North-west of where he lives.
his actual words: " where do you live doesnt make you smart. you are from east thats make you fish-eater idiot dude :) "

But if he lives in the East of where I am.. i wonder if he just called himself a fish-eater idiot.

Oh another thing.. try not to make a shit all over what you say because:
"Bitching about how korea and thailand games sucks"
(8.31 KiB) Downloaded 57 times
"Visits Korea or some similar place with a porn star."