Resident Evil 4 - hacks, hacking & tutorial [PC]

get your superiourity here ! be an offline or online GOD of the game. infinite ammo, unlimited nitro, turbo boost, god mode, you name it !
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Resident Evil 4 - hacks, hacking & tutorial [PC]

Post by Sethioz »

Don't know how to hack games ?
Start here > Basic Game Hacking

1. Infinite ammo
well its simple, BUT...
well first how to make it. Search for value u have in inventory screen.
you have to use autohack to get inf ammo for all. it simply takes out command that tells game to dec. the value.
ok. run game in window because u cant minimize it. at least some versions wont go back up...
now. search for value u have in ammo box. TOTAL value. if u have 2 cases of pistol ammo. 50 in one and 12 in other then u search for 62.
then shoot some bullets and RELOAD!!! if u dont reload then value wont dec. in box. if u shot like 10 bullets and RELOADED then search for 52...keep doing that.
i dont member if there was 1 or more addresses but...just freeze one and find out the right one...
-enable autohack
-open autohack window
-right click right address and choose autohack
-shoot some more ammo and RELOAD.
-go into autohack window...c
-mark the address in autohack (one that it found)
-go back in game and test ur ammo ... it should work if u did it RIGHT.
-to keep it never changes....
-highlight the address in autohack window and click on ''tmk'' button
-look for button script.
mine looks like this...

Patched script:
Poke 5681222 90 90 90

UnPatched script:
Poke 5681222 29 4F 02

wht u do is ...
u add 3 new addresses in ur CHEAT LIST.
first will be 5681222
second one is 5681223
u guessed it ! 5681224

now u set 2 hotkeys. one will set values on ALL 3 addys to 90 and other one will change them back to normal which r 29 4F and 02 ..accordingly to addresses...1st 2nd and 3rd.
-save ur cheat list and u r done ! this will work in ur computer only...u cant send addresses to other person. if u uninstall game and reinstall then something MAY change...but usually it dont.

2. Infinite time (mercieneries mode)

]here are 2 values to search...

time values:
23secs left - 46202930
33secs left - 65837871

DO NOT search exact values, search in RANGE, because 23 is NOT exactly 46202930.
u will find 3-5 values ...if i member correctly...just test them one by one ...
some of them r secs it doesnt actually give u inf time...just freezes seconds...etc.
only one address is right that will actually give u infinite time ! find it !

its 4 bytes like u can see
explaination 46 = 1byte 20 = 1byte 29 = 1byte 30 = 1byte so it makes 4
4620 would be 2 bytes...etc
its in hex. 2 digit value is 1byte ... 4 digit is 2bytes ....and so on.

u CAN NOT use autohack on time .. i dont know y but it wont work. time wont change but u still hear chopper and game will end.
only way is just to freeze the right value !

how can i use hacks while on full screen?
in Tsearch..set hotkey to choose ur process. so first u open Tsearch and set hotkey, now u boot up game and press ur hotkey u setted.

what hotkey? where ? huh?
click on ''view'' ''options'' ''hotkeys tab''
set key for ''select process'' this will choose the ACTIVE process...which will be the game if u r on full screen.

if u have done that then just keep pressin ur hotkeys u made for cheat list...

and this DOES work just FINE. ive tested it myself.
note that u still have to reload on inf ammo....but i think its cool.

This thread is already too long and most of ppl never check the whole thread, so here's the things i already posted into last posts:

memory mapping of weapon & weapon parameters:

Code: Select all

1-2 - weapon
3-4 - amount of item (not ammo)
5-6 equipped/unequipped (1/0)
7-8 - tuning slots
9-10 ammo in clip (999 is max amount it shows on screen, does not effect real ammo)
11-12 - place and rotation in attach case
huh ? ok let me explain. once you have located your weapon/item in memory, then this is the order it goes.
1 - 2 bytes are weapon value, 2nd byte is only allocated, but weapons dont go over 1 byte usually, only few items, which are not weapons.
for example 9th and 10th byte AFTER the weapon stores the amount of ammo in clip.
if you want to get more grenades, then first find your grenade in memory and then change 3th and 4th byte to FF FF, this will give you maximum amount of grenades which is 65535 (maximum that 2 bytes can store).
dont understand ? well then learn how memory works first...

Weapon / Item values:
DO NOT put things into attach case, which does not belong there. you simply crash your game and thats all. Handgun silencer also crashes your game if you try to go back into menu, you can examine it, but after unpause/pause it will crash. guess because Leon cant have that item.

Code: Select all

DEC values

0 - magnum ammo
1 - hand grenade
2 - incendiary grenade
3 - matilda
4 - handgun ammo
5 - first aid spray
6 - green herb
7 - rifle ammo
8 - chicken egg
9 - brown chicken egg
10 - gold chicken egg
11 - aaa (invalid)
12 - plaga sample (crashes game)
13 - krauser's knife (crashes game)
14 - flash grenade
15 - salazar family insignia
16 - bowgun
17 - bowgun bolts
18 - green herb x2
19 - green herb x3
20 - mixed herbs G+R
21 - mixed herbs G+R+Y
22 - mixed herbs G+Y
23 - rocket launcher special
24 - shotgun shells
25 - red herb
26 - handcannon ammo
27 - hourglass w/ gold decor
28 - yellow herb
29 - stone tablet
30 - lion ornament
31 - goat ornament
32 - TMP ammo 1
33 - punisher
34 - punisher w/ silencer (crashes game)
35 - handgun
36 - handgun w/ silencer
37 - red9
38 - red9 w/ stock
39 - blacktail
40 - blacktail w/silencer (only name, fucked up PRL in game
41 - broken butteryfly
42 - killer7
43 - killer7 w/ silencer (invalid item)
44 - shotgun
45 - striker
46 - rifle
47 - rifle semi-auto
48 - TMP
49 - actication key blue
50 - TMP w/ stock
51 - activation key red
52 - chicago typewriter - model 1 - with normal clip
53 - rocket launcher
54 - mine thrower
55 - handcannon
56 - combat knife
57 - serpent ornament
58 - moonstone right half
59 - insignia key
60 - round insignia
61 - false eye
62 - custom TMP (can be equipped, but cannot go back to menu, crashes)
63 - silencer (handgun)
64 - punisher
65 - PRL 412
66 - stock red9
67 - stock tmp
68 - scope rifle
69 - scope semi-auto rifle
70 - mine darts
71 - shotgun
72 - capture luis sera
73 - target practice
74 - luis memo
75 - castellan memo
76 - female intruder
77 - butler's memo
78 - sample retrieved
79 - ritual preparation
80 - luis memo 2
81 - rifle semi-auto w/ infrared scope
82 - krauser's bow
83 - chicago typewriter - model 2 - with round clip
84 - treasure map castle
85 - treasure map island
86 - velvet blue
87 - spinel
88 - pearl pendant
89 - brass pocket watch
90 - elgant headdress
91 - antique pipe
92 - gold bangle w/ pearls
93 - amber ring
94 - beerstein
95 - green catseye
96 - red catseye
97 - yellow catseye
98 - beerstein w/ G
99 - beerstein w/ R
100 - beerstein w/ Y
101 - beerstein w/ GR
102 - beerstein w/ GY
103 - beerstein w/ RY
104 - beerstein w/ GRY
105 - moonstone left half
106 - chicago typewriter ammo
107 - rifle + scope
108 - rifle semi-auto w/ scope
109 - infinite launcher
110 - king's grail
111 - queen's grail
112 - staff of royalty
113 - gold bars
114 - arrows
115 - bonus time
116 - emergency lock card key
117 - bonus points
118 - green catseye
119 - ruby
120 - treasure box S
121 - treasure box L
122 - blue moonstone
123 - key to the mine
124 - attach case S
125 - attach case M
126 - attach case L
127 - attach case XL
128 - golder sword
129 - iron key
130 - stone of sacrifice
131 - storage room card key
132 - freezer card key
133 - piece of the holy beast, panther
134 - piece of the holy beast, serpent
135 - piece of the holy beast, eagle
136 - jey-ski key
137 - dirty pearl pendant
138 - dirty brass pocket watch
139 - old key
140 - camp key
141 - dynamite
142 - lift activation key
143 - gold bangle
144 - elegant perfume bottle
145 - mirror w/ pearls & rubies
146 - waste disposal card key
147 - elegant chessboard
148 - riot gun
149 - black bass
150 - hourglass w/ gold decor
151 - black bass L
152 - illuminados pendant
153 - rilfe w/ infrared scope
154 - crown
155 - crown jewel
156 - royal insignia
157 - crown with jewels
158 - crown with an insignia
159 - salazar family crown
160 - rifle ammo (infrared)
161 - emerald
162 - bottle caps
163 - gallery key
164 - emblem right half
165 - emblem left half
166 - hexagonal emblem
167 - castle gate key
168 - mixed herbs RY
169 - treasure map village
170 - scope (mine thrower)
171 - mine thrower+scope
172 - playing manual 1
173 - info on ashley
174 - playing manual 2
175 - alert order
176 - about the blue medallions
177 - chief's note
178 - closure of the church
179 - anonymous letter
180 - playing manual 3
181 - sera and the 3rd pary
182 - two routes
183 - village's last defense
184 - butterfly lamp
185 - green eye
186 - red eye
187 - blue eye
188 - butterfly lamp w/ G
189 - butterfly lamp w/ R
190 - butterfly lamp w/ B
191 - butterfly lamp w/ GR
192 - butterfly lamp w/ GB
193 - butterfly lamp w/ RB
194 - butterfly lamp w/ RGB
195 - prison key
196 - platinum sword
197 - infrared scope
198 - elegant mask
199 - green gem
200 - red gem
201 - purple gem
202 - elegant mask w/ G
203 - elegant mask w/ R
204 - elegant mask w/ P
205 - elegant mask w/ GR
206 - elegant mask w/ GP
207 - elegant mask w/ RP
208 - elegant mask w/ RGP
209 - golden lynx
210 - green stone of judgement
211 - red stone of faith
212 - blue stone of treason
213 - golden lynx w/ G
214 - golden lynx w/ R
215 - golden lynx w/ B
216 - golden lynx w/ GR
217 - golden lynx w/ GB
218 - golden lynx w/ RB
219 - golden lynx w/ GRB
220 - leon w/ rocket launcher
221 - leon w/ shotgun
222 - leon w/ handgun
223 - ashley graham
224 - luis sera
225 - don jose
226 - don diego
227 - don esteban
228 - don manuel
229 - dr. salvador
230 - merchant
231 - zealot w/ scythe
232 - zealot w/ shield
233 - zealot w/ bowgun
234 - leader zealot
235 - soldier w/ dynamite
236 - soldier w/ stun-rod
237 - soldier w/ hammer
238 - isabel
239 - maria
240 - ada wong
241 - bella sisters
242 - don pedro
243 - J.J
244 - letter from ada
245 - luis memo 3
246 - paper airplane
247 - our plan
248 - luis memo 4
249 - krauser's note
250 - luis memo 5
251 - our mission
252 - aaa
253 - aaa
254 - tactical vest (crashes)
255 - aaa
256 - punisher
257 - handgun (crash)
258 - shotgun
259 - mine thrower
260 - handcannon
261 - mine thrower+scope
262 - mission directives 1
263 - mission directives 2
264 - mission directives 3
265 - mission directives 4
266 - mission directives 5
267 - mission 1 treasure map
268 - mission 2 treasure map
269 - mission 3 treasure map
270 - mission 4 treasure map
271 - mission 5 treasure map
272 - discard all the items outside the case?
273 -
weapon tuning system:

firepower and firing speed are on first byte
reload speed and capacity are on second byte

memory mapping order:

01 00 - lvl2 firepower
10 00 - lvl2 firing speed
00 01 - lvl2 reload speed
00 10 - lvl2 capacity

increase by 1 to get next level
06 is exclusive, you have to raise right slot in order to get it. For Striker you need to change Capacity to 06. on Rifle you need to change FirePower to 06 to get 30.0 FP.

10 10 - lvl2 FS + lvl2 Ca
11 11 - all on lvl2
22 22 - all on lvl3
33 33 - all on lvl4
44 44 - all on lvl5
55 55 - all on lvl6

List of max tuning:
FS = Firing Speed
FP = Firepower
Ca = Capacity
RS = Reload Speed

normal means that it cannot be tuned beyond normal.
first value after = is the value you have to insert in order to get that tuning level, here's example:
FP = D, 6.5
to get that, in memory change "00 00" to "0D 00"

NOTE: you can not get higher reload speed if weapon animation does not support it. same goes for firing speed.
however sometimes if you change RS and/or FS beyond normal, it may show some high (low) values, but the firing animation of weapon still does not allow you to shoot faster. It MAY work on some weapons, like Handgun.

FS = normal
FP = D, 6.5
Ca = 8, 512 bullets
RS = normal

FP = 7-D, 10.0
Ca = 8, 816
RS = normal

FS = normal 0.47
FP = normal 1.9
Ca = 8-9, 256 in clip
RS = normal 0.83

FS = normal 0.40
FP = F, 15.0 max
Ca = 8, 768

RS = normal, 1.53
FP = C, D, 12.0
Ca = F, 24
RS = normal, 1.67

FS = normal 2.73
FP = normal 30.0
Ca = 8, 304
RS = normal

cannot be tuned beyond normal at all
06 62 = max tuning that can be (normal)

Infinite Launcher:
cannot be tuned

PRL 412:
cannot be tuned

The other RE4 version i had (biohazard fuck-up) was totally screwed up version. it had all places lighted up, which sucked ass and it wasn't possible to minimize and maximize. however this version i have now, with the 1.10 euro patch works just fine with minimize and maximize, however it seems that this version has 30fps max, which kind a suck. in biohazard im quite sure i had 75fps max @ 1600x1200.

I also took a look into attach case and tactical vest, it seems its possible to change your attach case size and also get tactical vest (whereever you want), but its lil bit more complicated. Basically you have to find the memory position for the item and remember it..and when you change to hard mode or merc mode, then it should remain same, so you can just write it into memory and have it.
just check the item list i put up.
also NOTE that if you change your weapon, you need to change the tuning too. i guess this is why the Silencer crashed my game, because i put silencer where weapon it had tuning slots..etc. maybe if you change sniper scope to silencer, or stock to silencer, then it may work.
For example make a pic of the memory position of the silencer when playing as wesker, then try to write that into memory, by replacing some item, while playing as Leon ..etc.
Im really not that interested in it, so i cant be bothered, but theres lots of things that can be done.

*Chicago Typewriter
I found out that there's 2 different models of CT. One has a normal magazine and only one grip (the place where you hold the weapon) other model has a round magazine (the mafia type) and 2 grips. I'm not sure, but i think that the one with normal mag is Ada's.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

I made video tutorial on how to make ammo hack in Tsearch. That includes quick view on how to get them working while on full screen.
< Thanks to retarded hosting24 this video have now been lost, check my youtube maybe you find something there >
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Skizoteq »

lol i have done it before but not on RE4 I see you like teaching people how to hack games now
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

got an good idea. it seems that ppl are quite intrested in RE4 hacks these days (lots of views in youtube)
i tought i will try to make model and weapon hacks.
i know its possible to play story line with other characters and i know that its possible to get other weapons into single player (like krauser's bow and Wesker's pistol with silencer).
it should also be possible to make the item box even more bigger.

right now i dont have much ideas where to start, but if somebody comes up with something then feel free to help.

I am not sure about PC version, but xbox version has invisibility and model hacks built-in (like some secret codes, no not simple cheats)
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Droog »

Sorry, I don't have that game anymore (only the PS2 version).
As far as I remeber I wasn't really happy with the controls on the PC version. There's some mouse aim patch, but it doesn't work so well, so I've deleted the game.
Maybe I'll re-install it in the near future...
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

ah yes the mouse aim patch. well it does work, but its kind a fucked. you need to set speed first.
im not using mouse anyways, im using analog game controller (like the PS2 controller..something similiar).
controller is a must have hardware :) i have 2 steering wheels and 3 controllers. 1 is the analog controller for games like RE4 and for some car games (like cobra 11) and other controller is for winamp (remote for winamp)
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Droog »

controller is a must have hardware :)
Is the PC version of RE4 good playable with a controller?
I still have some Logitech analog-controller somewhere in a cupboard. Bought that thing for 60 bucks about 4 years ago and NEVER used it. :lol:
Maybe I should install it...
Short time ago I've also installed GTA: Vice City (I loved playing it on the PS2 in former times). The controller might come in handy for that game, too.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

yeah it works great on RE4. just like playing PS2 version (have tht too), but it doesnt make much difference if you only searching for some stuff.
i got one idea related to controllers. its not really a hack, but i guess it can be put into this category.
some games dont even allow game controllers (dont reconize them or dont take half of buttons as input, like GTAs, need to use racer_s's advanced control tool) so i came up with idea change keyboard button from ''on'' and ''off'' to an axis (ranged, like analog). I know that keyboard button can NOT be used like tht, BUT with xpadder i can map any keyboard button on game controller. so if the keyboard button acts like axis and i map that button under analog it should work as analog (axis/slider)

for example in GTA san andreas. originally it is NOT possible to map accelerate/brake onto any kind of analog (axis), but game still have the function so if you do map analog as acc/brake then it will act normally and you can still drive with 10% of acceleration (like using pedal in real car). thats where i got the idea to make keyboard button act like an axis and then map that button on game controller's analog.

why i put it here ? because RE4 fucks up when i have more than 1 USB controller connected and its ANNOYING. as soon as i plug anything else in then buttons fuck up .. and i cant map them again. RE4 simply starts using mix of controllers (shoot is on one controller, movement on other ..etc) its just stupid, so i have to unplug all other controllers. this ''hack'' would be very useful for RE4.

ok but it is half-offtopic lol.

Now back to RE4 hacking. I know theres hacks for RE1,2,3. hacks where you can get yourself any weapon at start, by simply editing a savegame. V was reading those tutorials (he played thru all old parts some time ago). Im thinking that its possible here too, but how the hell they know WHERE exactly the game stores weapons ?! think i found the item box once, but i didnt save it on some reason.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Droog »

Here's some stuff I've made so far after re-installing the game a few days ago...
The package contains a +7 Trainer and a SaveGame for the EU/PAL Version of "Resident Evil 4" (Version 1.1.0).

The Trainer offers the following functions:


Infinte Ammo:
All weapons get infinite ammo, including bows and grenades.

Infinite Health:
Your main character and Ashley become invincible.

+10000 PTAS:
You will get +10000 PTAS every time you press the F3 button (the inventar has to be opened).

Freeze Timer:
Stops the timer in missions with a time limit (for example during some boss fights or 'The Mercenaries' mode).

High Score (M):
You will get at least 10000 points for each kill in 'The Mercenaries' mode.

Save Counter always 1:
You can save as many times as you want, but the counter will always say "1 Saves".

Play Time 00:00:00:
You will beat the game with a play time of "00:00:00".

Cheats OFF:
All cheats will get deactivated.

The hacked SaveGame has data stored in two slots:

Slot 1:

You start a new round in the main game on 'Professional' mode with the following extras/items:

- All special costumes available
- Fully upgraded health bar
- All files
- All treasures
- 10000000 PTAS
- XL Attache Case
- P.R.L. 412 with infinite ammo
- Infinte Launcher with infinite ammo
- Chicago Typewriter with infinite ammo
- Handcannon with infinite ammo (+ hacked weapon specs, resulting in a Fire Speed of 0.33)
- Matilda @ exclusive tuning with 999 bullets
- Mine Thrower @ exclusive tuning with 999 mine darts
- Rifle (semi-auto) @ exclusive tuning with both special scopes and 999 bullets (+ hacked weapon specs, resulting in a Firing Speed of 0.10)
- 999 Hand Grenades
- 999 Incendiary Grenades
- 999 Flash Grenades
- 999 First Aid Sprays


Slot 3:

You start a new round in 'Separate Ways' with the following items:

- Fully upgraded health bar
- All files
- All treasures
- 10000000 PTAS
- XL Attache Case
- Chicago Typewriter with infinite ammo
- Blacktail with 999 bullets (+ hacked weapon specs, resulting in a Firepower of 4.5)
- Shotgun with 999 shells (+ hacked weapon specs, resulting in a Firepower of 12.0)
- TMP with 999 bullets (+ hacked weapon specs, resulting in a Firepower of 10.0)
- Rifle (semi-auto) with Scope and 999 bullets (+ hacked weapon specs, resulting in a Fire Speed of 0.10)
- Bowgun with 999 Bowgun bolts
- 999 Hand Grenades
- 999 Incendiary Grenades
- 999 Flash Grenades
- 999 First Aid Sprays


For more infos read the Readme's...

Doanload -->
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

nice stuff, really nice. gonna test trainer soon. :)
ive also found a rapid fire with simple addresses (the pm i sent)
i would really love to find this thermal vision, but it doesnt seem to be working at all. at least i dont think values change, because i did unknown on 4bytes and went with the changed or not changed.
was grenades as i tought ? like that 1 slot is always 1 and values does not change. each box has its own address. ?!

btw does Ada's bow work on Leon too ? tried once today, but didnt look any further in it, but i would still like to find the item box values. i can get ANY weapon there. including silencer for 9mm handgun ..etc.

INFO - use forum's attachment option instead of that stupid rapidshare ;) you can attach pics, rar, zip ..etc files.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Droog »

Sethioz wrote:btw does Ada's bow work on Leon too ?
No, only the "legal" weapons of the character work without any bugs/crashes.
I could use HUNK's TMP and Wesker's silenced Pistol as Leon, but the game crashed as soon as I re-opened the inventar.

I have also installed RE2 two days ago... Hacking this old game is easy like hell. About 10 minutes after installing the game I already had all the extra-weapons in my inventar.
In RE2 you can actually fill your inventar with everything you want within a few minutes. You don't have to pick up other items first and change them into the stuff you want, like you have to do in RE4.
I'm pretty sure it's just as easy in RE1 and RE3, too... I've also tryed to hack RE1, but the game crashes every time when I minimize and maximize it (I guess it's some compatibility problem with Windows XP and/or my 8800GTX's). Do you know a way to play it in windowed mode (kinda want to play this old classic again)?
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

yeah i know about other RE parts. that you can simply give weapons, but i never figured out HOW you actually find it in frist place. ive googled yes, but never found out HOW they find the weapons.
you didnt reply either
do you compare savegame or something ? i tried to search for all possible strings (weapon, pistol, ammo, vision ..etc), but RE memory doesnt work tht way, it barely has any word strings in memory. so HOW exactly you know where to look ?

as about window mode, i cant remember the program i used, but theres several tools that allow you to run full screen apps on window mode (apps that dont support window mode). i think one of them is ''DXWnd'' im pretty sure that was the program i used to run flatout2 in window mode (window was not moveable, it was stuck on left upper corner, but hey ! it was window mode lol)
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Droog »

you didnt reply either
do you compare savegame or something ? i tried to search for all possible strings (weapon, pistol, ammo, vision ..etc), but RE memory doesnt work tht way
I did reply...
There are no ASCII strings that you have to search for. RE4 is not like AVP2 at all. And you don't have to change/compare save games.
Just read again what I've written in a previous PM about the code patterns... That's the way to find it.

I've already tried DXWnd, but it doesn't seem to work for RE1.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

my bad about the tool, try 3D Analyzer. (attached it)
yeah i know what you said about the pattern, but HOW you even know what to look ? memory makes no sense in RE4, no strings at all. theres thousands of repeating i know what is the item box ? specially if it doesn't change then how i know what is what ? thats what i mean. its ovious that things have patterns...but how i exactly find the weapon or item box, this is the part that is confusing.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

Droog, wht you think ? Thermal vision hack ?
ive tried, but kind a failed and found other funny shit, also crashed my game lot of times. found rapid fire and re-reload lol. it keeps reloading. i guess its some animation i found.
im 100% sure that thermal vision can be done, because sniper infrared scope has it. dunno why its called infrared in game, but its surely thermal vision. not gonna expalin here, but i know EXACTLY what is infrered imaging and what is thermal imaging. theres a big difference.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

damn Droog, you totally CONFUSED me, by saying that weapons have pattern. i tought that each weapon has like some kind of a memory pattern before or after weapon values. like 01 99 B1 AA a signature or something, but it was totally different. anyways, not gonna discuss it here as you wanted. It really is very easy, made a demonstration video of weapon changing and tuning.
its funny how i always keep telling stuff about memory (about ''pattern'', at least you called it that way) and totally mislooked this one. anyways nice find :) If i think about it now, then it all makes sense. i mean the way how game maps values in memory.
So if you think that it should be public, then post values and tip where to find them. Actually its not easy at all for a person who doesn't know much about memory tools.
-RE4 hack - weapons & weapon tuning-

Now i will take a look into thermal vision hack and also trying to figure out why the attache case size doesnt work so well. making case bigger at start is not THAT simple at all. gonna figure it out soon. maybe its even possible to make case even bigger than the original BIG case (XL i think)
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by abc_123 »

Hi, Sethioz !

I watched your videos about Re4 unlimited ammo and Weapon tunning. Follow your guide, I downloaded TSearch, ArtMoney (I think this tool is useless), and Hex Editor, and trying to make some weapons better (Punisher with 2.5 max FirePower instead of 1.9, for example...). I don't know if it's possible :-??

I think , If I knew the memory address of a weapon, I'll go to a merchant (in game), tune it up, and maybe I'll find out the way to change its stats by seeing what hex bytes changed in memory. But, where's the addresses of them ? I don't know how to find out.. Can you tell me ?

Sorry about my English.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

yeah you are very close to it. Droog actually pointed me there too, but first he confused me a lot by saying "there's a pattern"
so i automatically tought that there's pattern like "00 0C CC EF" for every weapon, but he meant that every weapon has values stored in same way.
stats, ammo, weapon type...etc, which i knew, but problem was that i just misunderstood what he meant. Dunno where Droog is lol .. havent seen him for like 2 months or so.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by mnsfhhwtmx0 »

So... I'm kinda new to this stuff and I really dont know whats going on or what to do. All I've been really heading for is to find some Resident Evil 4 hacks to play around with. I'm not really that bright so thats probobly why i dont understand. I would like some info on whats going on and what to do. Only thing i know how to do is the unlimi ammo hack, and im only 12. I just want some help and i want to help out a little bit.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

What's going on is that I'm using Tsearch (memory editor) to hack RE4.
You should first read the Basic game hacking tutorial
This will explain how memory editors work and how to find stuff.
What exactly you want to make ? I haven't made infinite health or infinite health for ashley or anything else but the hacks that i listed, because i only made what i used, but its extremely easy to make them (if you check the tutorial).
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by mnsfhhwtmx0 »

i found this program on a differen site (i forgot what site). anyways it has rapid fire and thermal vision. the rapid fire doesnt work becuase when u use it, its the firepower of a tmp but speed of a tmp. not that great. but the thermal vision works fine.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

Doesn't work. see this is the reason why i do not make trainers. There's lot of versions of RE4 out there. including that Biohazard 4 (RE4 with mouse and some fixes ?). That's why I show how to make them yourself, so it does not matter what version you have, source code of game will still be same (values in game). I haven't had any mood at all lately to hack anything, but i would be very interested HOW the thermal vision was found. I was even trying the LONG way, but nothing at all, this is how i found rapid fire instead, but its gltiching.

Here's what I did:
I took out sniper and held down aiming and searched for unknown value, then i kept filtering for like 20 mins, but still did not find it, instead i came up with rapid fire (animation of weapon). Here:

Code: Select all

rapid fire:
1byte - 1 while aiming, 0 when not aiming, 4 when running. freeze on 0
NOTE - can only be found when 1st search is sniper aiming (1).
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by mnsfhhwtmx0 »

well im not sure about u but i have the american version. it works for me. and did u open it AFTER you were in your game and were able to move around and play?
i also have tis trainer that works very very well. btw load it after you get into the game.
RE4 +36 Trainer [English].rar
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

Like dooh, I think I know how to use a trainer. unlike many ppl i don't trash the thing if it doesn't work on first try. I tried it like 3-4 times. started game, then trainer and other way around and also tried to activate in menu and when in playing. It's just for other version.
This last trainer you posted looks quite interesting, but no thermal vision and it doesn't work for me either. One thing i haven't found out, guess im missing something. how does ppl make stuff like "one hit kills"
also none of the trainers i've seen has the weapon upgrades in it, im talking about the custom upgrades. making pistol do like 99 damage or shoot way faster than the limit is. Wierd is that game only allocates 2 bytes for each weapon's upgrade, so its hard to find out the max values for each.
for example 00 00 is no upgrade, 01 00, is like speed 1 upgrade, but speed 2 upgrade would be like 20 00, it is just example. and when you upgrade something else too, it may look like 03 A4 already. only way is to test, but as you know 2 bytes contain 65535. so it will take some time to go thru it.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by mnsfhhwtmx0 »

i really always wanted to like make me weps like 99.9 dmg or something. i never tried or found out or know how to do it. anyways the one hit kill for the trainer really doesnt work :P niether does the costums. (im probobly doing them wrong anyways). but anyway, i was wondering if like you or someone could post a tut on how putting mods. because i get some mods right but some of them fail. so im not realy 100% sure on how to do them. i would also like it if people could post some mods or something.thanks
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

umm actually i haven't heard about RE4 mods.
if you wanna discuss RE4 mods specifically and you know some sites where they have mods, then you should make new topic under mods and editing.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

well ppl keep asking me how to do the weapon hack and how to get any weapon. i did it all again today (cuz i lost my old project). now here's the updated list of all items and weapons and misc stuff. how to use them, is up to you.
Now if you see double items (like handgun exists 2 or 3 times), then it means its for different characters. for example Leon can't hold Ada's handgun. if you change it, then game will crash. Also you can't get silencer (for handgun) with Leon, however if you put yourself a handgun w/ silencer when Leon, by directly equipping it, then it will work fine, but when you go to your case (item list) again, then game will crash.

use your head on how to use this list.
here's few tips and notes:
1. do not try to put items into attach case, which are not meant to be there (like treasures, maps..etc) it will crash game.
2. you can probably find your treasures by searching for single item, then combine it and search for the combined item value, then you can easily change that item to whatever you want. (not tested, just theory)
3. note that those are DEC values, so if you want to edit them in hex, then you need to conver them. (dec, it means you can use a memory scanner to search for them easily)
4. i have not tested all of them. i just made the list, WHY ? because some items will crash the game if you try to equip them or if you go out of item menu and then back in there. so i just checked each value and wrote down what it is. for example "40" says that it is blacktail with silencer, it can be equipped, but it appears as a PRL 412 and its fucked up. it has zoom and no sounds. however "34" which appears as punisher with silencer, can not be equipped. it simply crashes your game.

Code: Select all

DEC values

1 - hand grenade
2 - incendiary grenade
3 - matilda
4 - handgun ammo
5 - first aid spray
6 - green herb
7 - rifle ammo
8 - chicken egg
9 - brown chicken egg
10 - gold chicken egg
11 - aaa (invalid)
12 - plaga sample (crashes game)
13 - krauser's knife (crashes game)
14 - flash grenade
15 - salazar family insignia
16 - bowgun
17 - bowgun bolts
18 - green herb x2
19 - green herb x3
20 - mixed herbs G+R
21 - mixed herbs G+R+Y
22 - mixed herbs G+Y
23 - rocket launcher special
24 - shotgun shells
25 - red herb
26 - handcannon ammo
27 - hourglass w/ gold decor
28 - yellow herb
29 - stone tablet
30 - lion ornament
31 - goat ornament
32 - TMP ammo 1
33 - punisher
34 - punisher w/ silencer (crashes game)
35 - handgun
36 - handgun w/ silencer
37 - red9
38 - red9 w/ stock
39 - blacktail
40 - blacktail w/silencer (only name, fucked up PRL in game
41 - broken butteryfly
42 - killer7
43 - killer7 w/ silencer (invalid item)
44 - shotgun
45 - striker
46 - rifle
47 - rifle semi-auto
48 - TMP
49 - actication key blue
50 - TMP w/ stock
51 - activation key red
52 - chicago typewriter
53 - rocket launcher
54 - mine thrower
55 - handcannon
56 - combat knife
57 - serpent ornament
58 - moonstone right half
59 - insignia key
60 - round insignia
61 - false eye
62 - custom TMP (can be equipped, but cannot go back to menu, crashes)
63 - silencer (handgun)
64 - punisher
65 - PRL 412
66 - stock red9
67 - stock tmp
68 - scope rifle
69 - scope semi-auto rifle
70 - mine darts
71 - shotgun
72 - capture luis sera
73 - target practice
74 - luis memo
75 - castellan memo
76 - female intruder
77 - butler's memo
78 - sample retrieved
79 - ritual preparation
80 - luis memo 2
81 - rifle semi-auto w/ infrared scope
82 - krauser's bow
83 - chicago typewriter
84 - treasure map castle
85 - treasure map island
86 - velvet blue
87 - spinel
88 - pearl pendant
89 - brass pocket watch
90 - elgant headdress
91 - antique pipe
92 - gold bangle w/ pearls
93 - amber ring
94 - beerstein
95 - green catseye
96 - red catseye
97 - yellow catseye
98 - beerstein w/ G
99 - beerstein w/ R
100 - beerstein w/ Y
101 - beerstein w/ GR
102 - beerstein w/ GY
103 - beerstein w/ RY
104 - beerstein w/ GRY
105 - moonstone left half
106 - chicago typewriter ammo
107 - rifle + scope
108 - rifle semi-auto w/ scope
109 - infinite launcher
110 - king's grail
111 - queen's grail
112 - staff of royalty
113 - gold bars
114 - arrows
115 - bonus time
116 - emergency lock card key
117 - bonus points
118 - green catseye
119 - ruby
120 - treasure box S
121 - treasure box L
122 - blue moonstone
123 - key to the mine
124 - attach case S
125 - attach case M
126 - attach case L
127 - attach case XL
128 - golder sword
129 - iron key
130 - stone of sacrifice
131 - storage room card key
132 - freezer card key
133 - piece of the holy beast, panther
134 - piece of the holy beast, serpent
135 - piece of the holy beast, eagle
136 - jey-ski key
137 - dirty pearl pendant
138 - dirty brass pocket watch
139 - old key
140 - camp key
141 - dynamite
142 - lift activation key
143 - gold bangle
144 - elegant perfume bottle
145 - mirror w/ pearls & rubies
146 - waste disposal card key
147 - elegant chessboard
148 - riot gun
149 - black bass
150 - hourglass w/ gold decor
151 - black bass L
152 - illuminados pendant
153 - rilfe w/ infrared scope
154 - crown
155 - crown jewel
156 - royal insignia
157 - crown with jewels
158 - crown with an insignia
159 - salazar family crown
160 - rifle ammo (infrared)
161 - emerald
162 - bottle caps
163 - gallery key
164 - emblem right half
165 - emblem left half
166 - hexagonal emblem
167 - castle gate key
168 - mixed herbs RY
169 - treasure map village
170 - scope (mine thrower)
171 - mine thrower+scope
172 - playing manual 1
173 - info on ashley
174 - playing manual 2
175 - alert order
176 - about the blue medallions
177 - chief's note
178 - closure of the church
179 - anonymous letter
180 - playing manual 3
181 - sera and the 3rd pary
182 - two routes
183 - village's last defense
184 - butterfly lamp
185 - green eye
186 - red eye
187 - blue eye
188 - butterfly lamp w/ G
189 - butterfly lamp w/ R
190 - butterfly lamp w/ B
191 - butterfly lamp w/ GR
192 - butterfly lamp w/ GB
193 - butterfly lamp w/ RB
194 - butterfly lamp w/ RGB
195 - prison key
196 - platinum sword
197 - infrared scope
198 - elegant mask
199 - green gem
200 - red gem
201 - purple gem
202 - elegant mask w/ G
203 - elegant mask w/ R
204 - elegant mask w/ P
205 - elegant mask w/ GR
206 - elegant mask w/ GP
207 - elegant mask w/ RP
208 - elegant mask w/ RGP
209 - golden lynx
210 - green stone of judgement
211 - red stone of faith
212 - blue stone of treason
213 - golden lynx w/ G
214 - golden lynx w/ R
215 - golden lynx w/ B
216 - golden lynx w/ GR
217 - golden lynx w/ GB
218 - golden lynx w/ RB
219 - golden lynx w/ GRB
220 - leon w/ rocket launcher
221 - leon w/ shotgun
222 - leon w/ handgun
223 - ashley graham
224 - luis sera
225 - don jose
226 - don diego
227 - don esteban
228 - don manuel
229 - dr. salvador
230 - merchant
231 - zealot w/ scythe
232 - zealot w/ shield
233 - zealot w/ bowgun
234 - leader zealot
235 - soldier w/ dynamite
236 - soldier w/ stun-rod
237 - soldier w/ hammer
238 - isabel
239 - maria
240 - ada wong
241 - bella sisters
242 - don pedro
243 - J.J
244 - letter from ada
245 - luis memo 3
246 - paper airplane
247 - our plan
248 - luis memo 4
249 - krauser's note
250 - luis memo 5
251 - our mission
252 - aaa (invalid item ?)
253 - aaa (invalid item ?)
254 - tactical vest (crashes)
255 - aaa
256 - punisher
257 - handgun (crash)
258 - shotgun
259 - mine thrower
260 - handcannon
261 - mine thrower+scope
262 - mission directives 1
263 - mission directives 2
264 - mission directives 3
265 - mission directives 4
266 - mission directives 5
267 - mission 1 treasure map
268 - mission 2 treasure map
269 - mission 3 treasure map
270 - mission 4 treasure map
271 - mission 5 treasure map
272 - discard all the items outside the case?  (invalid ....up to 500..didnt check more)
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by marksinnl »

my game keeps crashing if i try to do infinite ammo it crashes at the autohack part...
can you help me????? i use tsearch
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

in what part it crashes exactly, what do you exactly do when it crashes ? did you change something, did you enable debugger..etc
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by marksinnl »

my game keeps crashing if i use tsearch so i use moonlight (that works the best for me) i can do infinite ammo .dh.
but i dont know how to do that hack that you can get any weapon i only hafe handgun and im to lazy to start al over again so do you know how to do it???????
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by marksinnl »

Sethioz wrote:in what part it crashes exactly, what do you exactly do when it crashes ? did you change something, did you enable debugger..etc
ummhh first
1. i search that adress of the ammo (no problems)
2.then i enable the debugger
3.and then open the hack window.
4. right click on the adres line in cheat list and chose aotohack.
5 then i try to open resident evil 4 again to shoot some more ammo to get it in the hack window and then sudenly it crashes

anyway im using moonlight atm but i dont know how to do the weapon hack
if you know a solution to the tsearch problem il be glad te hear it ;) :P
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

memory mapping of weapon & weapon parameters:

Code: Select all

    1-2 - weapon
    3-4 - amount of item (not ammo)
    5-6 equipped/unequipped (1/0)
    7-8 - tuning slots
    9-10 ammo in clip (999 is max amount it shows on screen, does not effect real ammo)
    11-12 - place and rotation in attach case
This is the part you need. look CLOSELY. there's searchable things.
equipped/unequipped can be searched, also tuning and ammo in clip. by those you can easily find the weapon. read the first post closely, there's lot of things that can be found and i have also wrote down all the values you may need (weapons, EXACT tuning ..etc).

Actually i already explained that some versions of RE4 can NOT be minimized and maximized, so run it in window mode. whole thing is covered. i also have videos on site and youtube which even show you how to get them working on fullscreen after finding them in window mode.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by marksinnl »

Sethioz wrote:memory mapping of weapon & weapon parameters:

Code: Select all

    1-2 - weapon
    3-4 - amount of item (not ammo)
    5-6 equipped/unequipped (1/0)
    7-8 - tuning slots
    9-10 ammo in clip (999 is max amount it shows on screen, does not effect real ammo)
    11-12 - place and rotation in attach case
This is the part you need. look CLOSELY. there's searchable things.
equipped/unequipped can be searched, also tuning and ammo in clip. by those you can easily find the weapon. read the first post closely, there's lot of things that can be found and i have also wrote down all the values you may need (weapons, EXACT tuning ..etc).

Actually i already explained that some versions of RE4 can NOT be minimized and maximized, so run it in window mode. whole thing is covered. i also have videos on site and youtube which even show you how to get them working on fullscreen after finding them in window mode.
i think i found out what to do if imk right as soon as i found the weapon adres i hafe to change the byte to 11 or 12 am i right
but it only shows binary,byte ,2byte, 4 byte, 8 byte, float, double , text, and aray of bytes whic one do i hafe to chose???
and how can i find the the weopen adreses because if i chose 1 byte and then the value of the weapon it shows like a 100 adreses how do i find the right one is there a way to filter??? :o
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

uh no. this is the mapping in MEMORY.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B = THIS is how it would look like in memory (ofcourse values are different).
AND THERE you change them doh. 00 and 01 (those 2 bytes) holds the weapon values, 08 09 would hold the amount of ammo you have in clip ..etc. doh you need to read how memory works.. as i said in first post im not going to teach ppl here how memory works and what is BYTE.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Albert Wesker »

Excuse me, but I´ve a problem with the TSearch Programm. Can you maybe help me? It's really about how you it done as soon have a weapon by another to replace it. Because I've already provided a lot of time, through this program TSearch lost. Please can you do to me somehow maybe explain. Thanks in advance. If I made mistakes in this Text, I´m Sorry. If you obviously do not understand something, write me back. Thanks in advance for everything.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

this is not really RE4 related question. if you have problem with Tsearch, then you should read some tutorials. also i have made a Basic game hacking tutorial. there is also 'HELP' in Tsearch, which is very useful for beginner users. it is step-by-step and even has pictures.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Albert Wesker »

And the best hack / tutorial program for a beginner is probably the TSearch program or was I wrong?
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

yes Tsearch is very easy to use and it has good guides in it, under help. Tsearch is all you need to hack RE4.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Albert Wesker »

I thank you for this advice.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by hideo »

can someone pls explain about the grenade cheat or cheating items that are not numbered??? how to search for the quantity at the first place?
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

i have posted this like 3 times in this topic already :

memory mapping of weapon & weapon parameters:

Code: Select all

        1-2 - weapon
        3-4 - amount of item (not ammo)
        5-6 equipped/unequipped (1/0)
        7-8 - tuning slots
        9-10 ammo in clip (999 is max amount it shows on screen, does not effect real ammo)
        11-12 - place and rotation in attach case
This is all you need to find it. this is the memory allocation. you can't search the quantity of grenades or herbs, because values never change, but other things do. so search them, then go that that memory position and check the table which is what and you can just find it that way.

3-4 bytes are the amount of item (the thing you want).[/color]
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by hideo »

oh i see... so when i open the game file with the hex...row 3-4 in the hex memory is the ammo or herbs item?? can u inspect and see if my steps is correct so far :

1) i run the game
2) select the process
3) open hex editor?
then im stuck because i dun know how to access the game with the hex editor, do i have to click on something like open process in the hex editor itself?? because any programme that i opened using the hex, the hex structure is always the i dont think that possible
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

yeah quite correct, but you use memory hex editor (the one that is included in Tsearch).
it is not the 3-4 row, but the bytes that come after weapon itself (item). HEX = HEXadecimal is just the language, nothing else. when you search in Tsearch, then you search same values. HEX just shows it in HEX, not DEC = decimal.

as i said im not going to explain the computer languages here. those are byte orders in game's memory.
ill give an example:

60 00 01 00 00 00 11 11 F4 01 2D 1A = this contains 12 bytes / 12 addresses in HEX view, where 60 is WEAPON (60 00) and 01 means that you have 1 item (01 00). as explained game allocates 2 bytes for each value, even tho only ammo in clip and tuning uses 2 bytes.
11 11 < this is the weapon tuning, where weapon has level 1 in every tune slot
2D 1A < this is the rotation and place in attach case
F4 01 < this is the amount of ammo you have in clip
-NOTE game flips the values. so type 1F4 into calculator and then convert it into dec, it will be 500. also note that in RE4 ammo is x8
-if you have 10 rounds left in clip, then actual value is 80.

So in short, you need to find location of your weapon "60 00 01 00 00 00 11 11 F4 01 2D 1A" and then you can edit it directly in hex view. theres plenty of things you can use to find it, like ammo in clip, rotation, tuning ..etc. SPECIALLY where i explained the tuning of weapon. you can tune it and then search, tune it and search..etc. once you find it, then go into HEX view and use the 'go to' button and type in the address of the tuning slot you found .. and there you go.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by hideo »

okay i think im starting to understand here..thanx for ur guidance
but then let me confirm again

so if i want to cheat herb,,then i have to first search using the init search command for an unknown value?? and then keep rotating the item in my inventory??? and then after i found those address i copy and use the hex editor find system to locate it??? and then change the 2 bytes which is the quantity to FF FF for maximum?

and for the shotgun...if i want to cheat my tuning or ammo, must i use the init search or the hex editor's find system??
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

exactly, however there's an easier way to find it.
you can use either weapon tuning or ammo in clip to find WEAPON, then use HEX "go to" (address) to find that place in hex view, then you can keep rotating the weapon you just found and check the exact values for weapon.
then you can make some kind of a 'map' of the rotation (which you could post here too), and THEN you already know the exact values of rotation, so you don't have to use unknown search for herbs or grenades.

I think that rotation is same for all weapons. for example 01 is right side up, 02 is upside down, 03 is sideways (left) and like 04 is sideways (right), i never checked, but it should be and other byte is for location. best way is to test it out on some weapon.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by hideo »

finally i am able to cheat my grenades and y+r+g herb, thanx for ur help.
i will try to map my item it right? u meant mapping is the item hex number?
anyway my item mapping is kind of different from your list.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

I mean mapping it like i mapped the weapon tuning (check first post). I have explained there how weapon tuning works, you should do same with the rotation and position. im sure lot of ppl would find it interesting (including me).
if you know the exact rotatoin and position, then it is possible to simply 'give' yourself any item you want.
btw you can also get tactical vest and other items (treasures, maps, keys, caps ..etc) if you only know where exactly they are stored, i tested the tactical vest, but i only managed to crash game and then i got annoyed.
ah and yes, FF FF is indeed the max value of ammo and/or amount of item you can have FF FF = 65535, NOTE that game is unable to show more than 999 ammo and 99 (or 999) for item quantity on attach case, however it does not effect the actual amount you have. so if you put FF FF then counter reaches 0 and then starts from 999 again.

im not sure about this one, but it seems that game has allocated certain memory range for attach case, so game automatically scans that range for any items. SO in theory if you will write a whole new item into empty space within the allocated range (attach case), then you should be able to just get anything.
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by hideo »

it seems u r correct about the position code, like left = 1, right =2..yours is right
im trying to cheat the armor vest too but with no success..yet
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by Sethioz »

thing with tactical vest is that it is not in attach case. to make things lil bit easier for you (or maybe it confuses you), but here's what i tried:
Tactical Vest is 254 (FE in hex), so i bought vest and searched for 254 on 2 bytes
-why 2 bytes ? because as you see RE4 allocates 2 bytes for values, even tho they fit on 1 byte, so to reduce falso positives i used 2 bytes instead of 1.
then i sold vest and (exited the merchant) and search for 0, you get the idea.
NOTE - you have to exit merchant, otherwise the values wont change (im sure they do change somewhere, but not in your attach case or item case, or whereever items are stored).
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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Post by hideo »

that tactical vest hack will really come in handy in professional difficulty as you cannot have one lol...i was wondering if u have a tactical vest in proff because u hacked the game will the game crash?? considering you are not supposed to have a tactical vest at the first place

and one more thing, is it normal that my item/weapon values is different from the one you have??
for me, mixed g+r+y herb is 15 but yours is 24
and then my shotgun shell ammo value is 18 and it is different from yours
but some of them are the same for instance egg and brown egg and hand grenade and incendiary grenade. im trying to find the item value for flash grenade here...any suggestion how to obtain them fast??
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