How to use cmd (command line interpreter, command prompt)

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How to use cmd (command line interpreter, command prompt)

Post by Sethioz »

It really starts to annoy me and many other ppl when some noobz ask - how to use this (cmd based program), why it just closes ???, why it doesnt run on windows ???, what i am doing wrong ??? etc...

-what is cmd ? - cmd aka command line interpreter, console, command prompt. It is used to communicate with your OS (operating system). It is also used to run cmd based programs.
-where do i get it ? - it is included in your windows. It is located in your ''windows/system32'' folder. not sure where or when, but sometimes it is also known as ''''
-how do i run it ? - theres two ways to run it:
1. method:
-click on start
-click on run
-type in ''cmd'' (or cmd.exe if cmd does not work) and press ENTER
2. method:
-go into your windows/system32 folder and double-click the cmd

-a window popped up - now what ? - this is the command line interpreter.
-how do i use it ? - now theres a lot of commands. type ''help'' to list the commands.
-Here's some basic commands and examples on how to use those commands:

cd (change directory) - changes directory - usage: for example if you are in ''C:\>'' and you want to go into ''C:\games''
type in ''cd games'' and press enter. now cmd will show you ''C:\games''
cd.. (cd.. cd .. cd/ cd /) - goes out from directory. lets say you are in ''C:\games'' and you want to go into ''C:\windows''
-first you type ''cd..'' to go out of games to ''C:\>''.
-now you type in ''cd windows'' to access ''C:\windows''
dir (directory) - lists files and folders in the current directory. type ''dir /a'' to show ALL files and folders in directory (including hidden and system files)
del - deletes a file. usage: ''del file1.exe'' deletes a file named ''file1.exe'' in the current directory.
ren - renames file or folder. usage: ''ren file1.exe'' - renames file named ''file1.exe'' to ''''
chkdsk (check disk) - runs a check disk
cls (clear screen) - clears the cmd window of text
color - changes text color in cmd window. Valid colors are :
0 = Black 8 = Gray
1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue
2 = Green A = Light Green
3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua
4 = Red C = Light Red
5 = Purple D = Light Purple
6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow
7 = White F = Bright White
copy - copies a file from location1 to location2. usage: ''copy file1.exe C:\games\hl'' - copies file named file1.exe from current directory into ''C:\games\hl'' directory.
date - displays date and changes it if you want.
time - displays time and changes it if you want.
exit - closes cmd window
erase - deletes files
findstr - searches file for text. usage: ''findstr blah file1.txt'' - searches for word ''blah'' from ''file1.txt'' NOTE you have to be in the same folder where the file is.
ftp (file transfer protocol) - allows you to use FTP in cmd.
md (make directory) - makes new directory. usage: ''md new'' makes folder named ''new'' into current folder.
rd (remove directory) - deletes a specified directory. usage: ''rd new'' - removes the folder named ''new''.
tree - graphically displays folder structure.
sc (service control) - just type in ''sc'' to see help on how to use this.
title - changes title of current cmd window. usage: ''title -Chrysalis-'' changes cmd window title to ''-Chrysalis-''
ver (version) - displays your OS version
type - shows you contents of a .txt file. usage. ''type file1.txt''
tasklist - shows you running programs in your OS (like task manager does)
ipconfig - displays information about your ip configuration. type ''ipconfig /all'' to see info about your ethernet adapter too.
telnet (telecommunication network) - starts the telnet service.
you may also want to check this link -
NOTE - theres lot of commands that does not work in all windowses.

-Now you know how to browse your system using cmd (actually you only need cd and cd.. commands) its time to run a cmd based program.
1. open cmd (start - run - type in ''cmd'')
2. browse into folder where your program is located.
-lets say that program you want to run is called ''myprogram.exe'' and it is located in ''C:\Program Files>''
-here's what you type in to get into C:\Program Files> from C:\windows\system32 for example.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd.. (press enter)
C:\WINDOWS>cd.. (press enter)
C:\>cd program files (press enter)
C:\Program Files>
-now you are in the ''C:\Program Files'' folder.
-type in ''myprogram.exe'' and it will run

Basically its like using windows, but only instead of clicking with mouse you use commands.

1. best way to run cmd is to use run. start-run-type in ''cmd'' press enter. (u can use shortcut too)
2. how to copy text from cmd window - normal copy method DOES NOT work in cmd.
-first right click in the cmd window
-choose ''mark'' (click on it)
-highlight your text you want to copy - simply keep left mouse button pressed down and drag over the text you want to highlight
-right click on highlighted text to copy it into clipboard. (or press enter instead of right-mouse click)
3. how to reconize cmd based program ?
-first you want to look at icon of program. usually cmd based program does not have icon (they have default system file icon)
-simply double-click on the program. if it opens cmd window and closes it real fast...then it's obvious that its cmd based program.

If you still don't know how to use cmd after this then face it ! you are an retard !
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Re: How to use cmd (command line interpreter, command prompt)

Post by Sethioz »

video tutorial added into youtube.

- high quality
- low quality
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