rappelz hacks ??

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rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

hi , I'm new to this fourm :) I need some help to hack an online game called rappelz , it's a server sided game with gameguard proticion - it's not a big deal to bybass the gameguard- but I tried all methods - like cheat engine , artmoney , WPE , ollydebugger , etc - and got nothing . well I believe I'm still a begginer maybe that's why I failed :(

so any ideas or help please ? :D I'd be grateful :)

thanks ,

P.S : I don't care if there is an illegal method , just say it :D
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

server sided as mmo ? if so, check MMO hacking

sure sounds like its mmo, im not into such games at all, so cant really help, exept of that topic. wait and see if MagicalSilence replies, he was/is hacking mmo games and bypassing protections. im quite sure he said latest cheat engine could do it, or was it ArtMoney. cant remember. try some stealth engines (search on my wiki for basic game hacking and other hack terms, you'll find lot of interesting stuff there).
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

well I found a good hack "theoretically" but mmm let's say gameguard became angry :D

I need a way to bypass game guard " my way is just working for about 10 sec then the game kicks me out" , but to apply the new one I need to stay in the game for at least 5 min

well , I got tired from searching for someway to bypass this thing but couldn't find anything ! :(

also I tried to find some way to make WPE undetectable but also failed ! :(

any ideas ?
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

more like MagicalSilence's field, gameguard part i mean.

i don't know about WPE, but try proxocket. it might work, might not. latest artmoney pro and cheat engine might work too. cheat engine has some stealth options too that work on tdu2 and tdu2 has some good protection, however tdu2 had only anti-debugger.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by MagicalSilence »

all the required things ive had to say has been said. unless you have skills of making own bypass you may as well learn about the protection and where it focuses its function and maybe google tools or means of old bypasses might give you idea what your looking for... thats all i can add to this.

and Stealth function is only 5-10min proven fact. and i even have discuessed it with artmoney developers just takes longer time to find it but if it comes to stealth you might try try Lshiro or w/e it was called.. but its still a memory editor so only will effect few things but in rappelz.. skills are Most likely server side check on cooldown at least some not that it matters they have low cooldown but for heck of it might not since they use card system you may as well try fool the game that your using +10 card insted of +1 but since i havent looked into possibilitys nor options that is just wild thots but.. Lshiro/wpe pro/art pro on stealth, maybe hard to say
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

another goal for Mr.GameGuard ! :(

detected and kicked out ... again ! :D

any new ideas ! :D
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Rappelz again ! x(

Post by aarkman22 »

Hello, it's me again ! :D

I'm still trying with this mmorpg called rappelz which is a server sided game protected by gameguard

well I decieded to leave that GG matter for a while and to see what can I do if the gameguard isn't working

actually I found a way to disable it for about 30 sec so I went to see what can I do in those 30 sec !

first I went to an empty place nothing around me but some scarecrows to test damage - In our case we test packets :D -

I got my WPE and made those steps : attached it to the game , logged in , played the WPE

then used a spam skill - cast 0.8 sec , cooldown 1 sec . I used it for about 7 times then stopped WPE and closed the game

guess what .. the packets are totally different from each other they share only the same size - which helped me to know that these are the packets I'm looking for - 7 packets with the same size but totally different . tried to look in the other packets - the number of all the packets was 25 so it wasn't difficult to compare -

shouldn't the packets have at least some offsets in common ? those to define the skill level or enhatched card level or to define the skill itself !

anyway I moved to the next step ... I deceided to try to send packets to the server to see what will happen so I opened the game , sniffed new packets and set one of them to be sent .. but when I try to sent it the server DC !! tried this for about 4 times everytime the server DC once I send the packet

so are there any ideas about this case !

thanks ,
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

making new topics does not help. so i have merged the 2 topics.

what you explained, seems to be "challenge response" or encrypted packets. most likely encrypted packets, if you are able to send packets into game and it actually says "SENT" not "FAIL" then its encrypted packets, this is why size is same, but not data.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

Sethioz wrote:making new topics does not help. so i have merged the 2 topics.

what you explained, seems to be "challenge response" or encrypted packets. most likely encrypted packets, if you are able to send packets into game and it actually says "SENT" not "FAIL" then its encrypted packets, this is why size is same, but not data.

will , sorry about posting the new topic ... well , yup , it says sent so that mean the packets are encrypted

that takes us to the next question .... how can I decrypt packets ?
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

i have no idea, you have to do research on the game. might be just packed not encrypted.
as far as i know, if it would be challenge response, then its not able to successfully send a packet to server so it accepts it.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

Sethioz wrote:i have no idea, you have to do research on the game. might be just packed not encrypted.
as far as i know, if it would be challenge response, then its not able to successfully send a packet to server so it accepts it.

can you explain more ??
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

not really no. i don't write tools to decrypt or uncompress traffic. you have to check into some tools.
first and most important is to find out what it is. i might be wrong there too, i never checked into this game.

find out if its encryption or compressed .. maybe its neither. then from there you can start looking for tools that can do the work for you.
Luigi has some stuff on his site that can do that, but first you have to find out what it is
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by MagicalSilence »

well this is far fetched and untested nor if possible but another possible way would be to emulate protection seperating it from client it self. since GG starts beforeclient as all for example ahn lab theres been some things in past about emulating it but yeah it would need feedback to server to keep game running.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

hello :)

well , as I'm waiting for an answer from one of my friends about decrypting packets - the only thing I could know was that the first six offsets are for time , date and place the packets were sent from -

anyway that's not what this post about , I want to ask about something

as rappelz is a server sided game , can engines ( like Tsearch or CE ) work on it - as far as I know the answer would be no but I just wanted to make sure - but if yes :D can you get me some links for tutorials ? :)

are there other ways to do some hacks on it ?

thanks ,
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

good, first bytes indeed are the connection data, IP, port..etc
have you tried to capture login info ? see if any of the stuff shows up in packets, like username, password, email ..anything.

game is not server sided, some things are. so no you can't directly change things like "gold" which is controlled by server, but you can always fool server.
obviously server only controls some values, but you can fool server to think that you have finished one quest / mission like 1000 times. so server would give you gold for 1000 missions.

or like i did it in old game called aliens vs predator 2. health was server sided, but there were 2 things to manipulate with.
1. being something that said which is the max height you can fall from without dieing
2. max height you can fall from without taking any damage.

so obviously one of them being bigger than other, like you can fall 2m and not take any damage, while 10m would be certain death, even with full health.
so what you did, is swapped the values. that way, when you fell over 2m, you gained health. manipulating with those you was able to get millions of health in no time < it is just example how server can be fooled.

other example being Last Chaos (MMO game). where you can change "attack speed" ..its not exactly damage, but as result you still do a lot more damage.
also character speed was hackable ..etc
those things should work in any MMO or most. some has some server side time check to see if you move too fast.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

Sethioz wrote:good, first bytes indeed are the connection data, IP, port..etc
have you tried to capture login info ? see if any of the stuff shows up in packets, like username, password, email ..anything.

game is not server sided, some things are. so no you can't directly change things like "gold" which is controlled by server, but you can always fool server.
obviously server only controls some values, but you can fool server to think that you have finished one quest / mission like 1000 times. so server would give you gold for 1000 missions.

or like i did it in old game called aliens vs predator 2. health was server sided, but there were 2 things to manipulate with.
1. being something that said which is the max height you can fall from without dieing
2. max height you can fall from without taking any damage.

so obviously one of them being bigger than other, like you can fall 2m and not take any damage, while 10m would be certain death, even with full health.
so what you did, is swapped the values. that way, when you fell over 2m, you gained health. manipulating with those you was able to get millions of health in no time < it is just example how server can be fooled.

other example being Last Chaos (MMO game). where you can change "attack speed" ..its not exactly damage, but as result you still do a lot more damage.
also character speed was hackable ..etc
those things should work in any MMO or most. some has some server side time check to see if you move too fast.
well I tried ... but here's the thing all the bytes are the same exactly whatever the username or the password was ×_×

so I can edit a skill level with CE ? honestly that was I'm trying to do I know gold , rupes , items are all server sided

to give you an idea about what I'm trying to do let me explain :

we have a skill which is somehow like gambling , you buy some materials - which cost alot - and then you use the skill - the chances to success let's say 2%- the maximum level for this skill is 10 and every level gives you a higher chance to the skill to work - when it works you get a unique item which I can sell with very high price - and if it failed I'd lose those materials without getting anything now what if I made the skill level 100 ?? this means higher chances to success so I can get this item easier

btw I tried CE and Tsearch to change the skill level but it was only visual when I press the skill hot key it returns to what it was like before editing ! :(
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

* stop quoteing the whole damn post. use quote ONLY if there are other posts between my reply and your post ! you're wasting space and making mess with it.

as i said, post some packets here. not some random keep-alive packets, but something more.
record whole session using commview, then post the packets here as attachment (obviously you rar them)

% of skill is because you obviously searched for 100, which it almost never is. ofcourse it was only visual if you change the on-screen value, not the actual value that might be like 20102933 for 5% and 29984833 for 100%
some games use 0.1 for 10% and 1 for 100%, so 2% being 0.02
never know, some developers mix it up on purpose to make it hard for hackers to find.

i tought ill test this game, but this fucked fuck won't even run. first it throw up like 10 shitted craps saying it wants to change my hosts file and connect this and conenct that and run this service and run that service. its fucked shit made by some retarded fat fucks.
anyway finally i got it running and guess what, login didnt work. i made account, typed in the user and when i clicked login, nothing happend. no message that it fails, nothing at all. like login button was blank.
so i had enought and deleted this crapped shit. from now on i can only suggest what to do, but not going to test this shit ever again.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

about quoteing , sorry it's just a bad habbit :D

ok here are some packets and video that shows every thing I made during sniffing the packets starting from logging into the game

- about those real values how can I find them ! :|

btw players called the game crappelz :D well , now you know that this wasn't for nothing :D!!! but I don't remember that the game required anything except installing it then doing few updates
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by ronokae »

Well I have hacked private servers to games with WPE pro and such considering they have way less protection. but that isn't too helpful here the only thing i can recommend provided that you bypass the security system, is to find a "intput-output" type of thing that can be done fast (and repeated rather quickly) before the game shuts down.

by "input/output" i mean something along the means of something like alchemy is guess: You have 3 items, send packet items dissapear and return 1 new item. send the same packet over and over, so that you can get the same item over and over without ever gathering the same material. HOwever again, this is only from private server experience. though I tested on one game, upon logging in if you record the sent/recieved packets, you could filter certain values in WPE pro and make happy things happen.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

ugh dude .. i said CommView and not a txt file. i want a file in commview format, saved by commview, so i can check them.
seems like you used WPE pro, which is quite useless. i need to see commview log of the whole session in order to analyze the stuff.

about other things, thats because you're not using any security systems on your PC. anti-virus does NOT magically prevent stuff from fucking up your machine, it only detects programs with KNOWN malicious code in it, i can write a small tool that fucks your machine up and won't get detected by any AV. you need more than just AV and thats what had huge impact with the game. as i said, it tried to fuck with my windows "hosts" file. no way i allow that .. who knows what spyware shit it drops in there.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

well I don't know alot about this commview thing :D I had to read about it

anyway after sniffing packets using commview I found that it cought 229 packets !! *_* and yeah I made this rules > process name step

also I found in latest ip connections two lines for the same process - which called SFrame.exe- first one was 12 packets and the second one was 217 packets so I saved each one in a single file and saved another one which has all the 229 packets togather

I hope this is what you asked for :)
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

Seems like its not encrypted, its just packed

Code: Select all

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
i also found interesting lines like these:

Code: Select all

If-None-Match: "1000000000122-180-478f6e68b69c3"

Code: Select all

ETag: "1000000000122-180-478f6e68b69c3"
This must be some identifier to something.

anyway Luigi (aluigi.org) has some tool to decrypt the packets. mydownlib i think, not sure tho.
i'll ask him next time i see him in skype.
im quite sure it is nothing more than just packed.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

so it's not encrypted and it's packed

this leads to some questions : what does - packed- means ??

how can I use the packets to get values and edit them when they are packed ??
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

i don't understand why you ask what i just posted, i don't know what else to say. i only posted so you know i have seen the post.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

well , you didn't say what does the word - packed- means ? :D

anyway I searched for this mydownlib on aluigi.org I found it

I'll try using it and give you feedbacks :)

and btw , looks like I missed something important to say :) thanks alot for your help I really appreciate it :) and I wish I could do you a favor in return :)
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

Seems like its not encrypted, its just packed

Code: Select all

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
whats this then ? "gzip and "deflate"

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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

ok , first thing ... how can I use this thing ! :|

I downloaded it and it was written in C language so I used microsoft visual c++ to build it but I faced like 10 errors

can you give me a hand in this ? :$
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

no, this is not discussion on how to use tools. STAY IN TOPIC. this is the first and last time i say it.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

as I'm working on this tool - I don't know what's wrong with it - I wanted to ask you about searching values using CE or Tshearch

how can I find the real value for the skill level ?
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

I tought i replied already, but guess im going insane.
im very sure i posted a reply already ..

Packets are encrypted after all. I talked to Luigi. tool that can unpack the packets is called "offzip", however it is useless on this game.
if you are 100% sure those packets are from game (which they did look like), then it is encrypted. i sent those packets to Luigi and he too said that there's no packed content, so it must be encryption.

how can you find the value .. follow my wiki.
http://sethioz.com/mediawiki/index.php5 ... own_Values

however it might be harder. i don't think that skill values ever change. there's no easy way to do it, you have to do lot of research on how RAM works and how to find things.
For start you can read some of the following topics (search on forum, i cant bother linking)

aliens vs predator 2 hacks
resident evil 4 hacks
resident evil 5 hacks
aliens vs predator 2010 hacks
GRID hacks

in those games, i used memory view and compared files to memory (when file gets loaded into memory).
so i was able to find values that never changes and were impossible to filter.
mostly its common sense (which is not so common nowdays). you have to understand the way game maps the memory.
find something that is searchable, something like speed lets say. you find that, then from there you know in what area of memory game maps such things. usually other useful things are very near to that address. like jump, attack speed, weapon ..etc
its general and might not work on rappelz, but almost all games use similar memory mapping.

best would be if you can get your hands on some kind of a "readable" game file that specifies values for things.
or source code of the game.
then it would be quite easy.

did you manage to get memory tools working ? i tought its using gameguard ?!
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by aarkman22 »

lol , I was about to quote your reply :D luckily I noticed :D

anyway so we're back to the first place again x( !!

those packets are encrypted , I don't know how to decrypt them and you don't write tools to decrypt or uncompress traffic then what should I do ! :D

and yup the game uses GG but as I told you I have a way to disable it for about 30 sec then the game DC
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

Wireshark has options for it, however do not ask me anything about wireshark, i dont like it and i know almost nothing about it.
Charles proxy is also something that can decrypt SSL, but don't think game is SSL.

if you are really interested > google
see what you can find out how to decrypt game traffic. or try asking on xentax forum (google).
they are more into such things, like how to decrypt game file and packets.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Actarus666 »

Rappelz uses GG (shit & easy to bypass) & Themida (more difficult). Themida provides anti-debugging/anti-attach features, encryption, garbage code/dummy functions, self modifying code & a lot of other funny things to make her life easiest. :)

I'm able to open/launch sframe.exe with OD in kernel mode (with the help of some plugins/drivers), but the program crashes at a given point (just before launching the game window). I think i did not found the appropriate settings yet. Because of themida, we cannot attach to the process once created, and we cannot read the process memory, nor access process information (access is denied), even by patching some kernel services.

Is there a known way to bypass or prevent themida detecting us ?
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

i haven't heard of themida, i tought rapplez uses gameguard ?!
if this is about something else, make new topic in right place. if it is about game hack that uses themida, post game name - hacking into game hacks, if it is just about themida protection system, it goes into pc hacking.

have anyone tested cheat engine on rapplez ? latest CE i mean. it is able to bypass tdu2 anti-debugger, while olly can't do it and neither can any other debugger.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by MagicalSilence »

Interesting finding as yes GG is the main protection of the game the themida is again in charge of protecting the game files from piracy and modification with lovely functions that we're listed before.

Last time i tryed my vip version artymoney worked fine about week ago.

you can try olly to work with StrongOD and PhantOm. adds or well.. / using either injectors or unpackers )
issue that it detects that its being run in virtual environment from my understanding but try and see.
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Re: rappelz hacks ??

Post by Sethioz »

idea of virtual machine should be that software does not know its being ran in virtual. it brings me back to this, kind a offtopic, topic.
we need some external memory hacking method, some hardware that sits between RAM and motherboard and can be controlled with seperate interface.
that way, games never know what hit em.
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